Girls, What do you think of the fictional character Big Lebowski aka Dude? Would you date someone with his characteristics/personality?

This is a question aimed at the female audience.

Yes, he is a perfect match!
Yes, but he would have to change some of his traits/behavior.
Only if I'd exhausted my options.
No, I don't like carefree men with no clear goals.
No, although he has some qualities that I like, he also has some characteristics that are unbearable.
No, everything about him bothers me.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 y
Big Lebowski is a film by the Coen brothers released in 1998. The film was very successful with the male audience and became a cult classic of the late 90's. Big Lebowski, played by Jeff Bridges, is the main character of the film. He's basically a hippie living in Las Vegas in the early 90's. I decided to take this poll after reading a post where a woman tries to understand why men like Leboswski so much. I hadn't realized until that moment that the film is not as popular with the female audienc
Girls, What do you think of the fictional character Big Lebowski aka Dude? Would you date someone with his characteristics/personality?
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