Why would a girl suddenly change her interest in me when she initially sought out me?


A girl I met on a dating site initially seemed really into me and found my IG herself and added me and was chatting with me a lot and seemed intrigued. She said she couldn't meet at the moment as she was finishing up school for next 2 weeks so I just stopped messaging her next 2 weeks and she actually messaged me later down the road telling me she was done with school and that her mornings were now available on weekdays when I'm free. Move forward and I'm trying to set up a hangout with her and she always says she wants to hang out but starts telling me she is always busy for the next like 3 weeks with no specific reason except one message she told me she still had some entry exams or something. I normally don't even care when girls do this and stop messaging them if they only respond to me and never seem to take interest but this girl for whatever reason seemed super into me at first reaching out to me and still telling me she wants to hang out but seems to run off when I mention hanging out. I have not done or said anything crazy to make her lose interest and just seems odd someone would seem so interested but then never follow through when I try and make plans. I'm almost convinced this is a catfish account just looking for attention but they have an IG account that looks real with pics of them lol. Any updates would be great. I'm almost annoyed with myself for even caring about this as I usually never push it with people who lose interest but this case just confuses me.

Why would a girl suddenly change her interest in me when she initially sought out me?
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