Why is she suddenly being so cold and distant with me?

So, I work for a volunteer organization with his girl. While she is pretty cute, she has a very intimidating type A personality. While hanging out with a group of friends, she told us that her dad left her and her mom when she was young, so I think she may be very on guard when it comes to relationships with guys and as such she hasn't dated anyone seriously for years. Maybe a few dates here and there on a dating app.

I am not particularly close with her and I don't really like her personality, being that she acts so abrasively. For example, when we are in a meeting and I need to discuss an important topic with the group, she'll act like she's bored and be like, "Oh my god. Can we please change the subject? This is just so boring." And she'll only do that with me when I try to discuss something and no one else.

Part of me thinks that she thinks I am interested in her, but I find her personality repulsive, but I have always tried to be nice, polite, and courteous to her and talk about our common, shared interests. Since I don't really know her well, our conversations have always been pretty high level and not really deep.

Anyway, she suddenly started being very distant and cold to me. Like the other day, she was bubbly and happy when she's talking to our group of friends and when I joined in on the conversation, her face suddenly changed to disappointment when she saw that I joined in and when I tried asking her conversations, she was acting really cold and answering with only a few words.

What the hell is wrong with her? I didn't do or say anything to provoke her either. I barely interact with her.
+1 y
Also, I was never under the impression that she liked me or was interested in me either since whenever I would DM her on Instagram about a cool story she posted, she would almost always give one word responses or just leave them on Seen. And she never initiated any text or DM conversations.

And as far as I knew, I never flirted with her or was giving her hints that I liked her, mostly because her personality always put me off.
Why is she suddenly being so cold and distant with me?
3 Opinion