How should I respond to this message?

We’re struggling to work through differences I think, so may be we should trust our instincts and try to stop seeing each other.

I’ll let you decide when you want this to happen-I’m happy to continue exploring whether we can find consensus.

It’s very difficult for me to say this, but at the same time and as you keep saying we shouldn’t drag things out and end up wasting each other’s time.

*** been dating this guy for 5 months, he is really particulat about most things and is also OCD with stuff. Our differences include things like, him mansplanning, micromanaging me and being fussy about how we do things because he is always rigid about what we do and how we do things. He thinks he is always right and basically wants everything his way.
We went out for food last night and all he did was complain about the food. I stayed quiet because I couldn't be bothered dealing with it.
My nan also died on Saturday and he keeps asking if I'm OK an why do i look depressed.
Most things that people would have basic common sense about, he seems to lack or doesn't say the right things.
Honestly don't know why I'm bothering to try and make things work
How should I respond to this message?
2 Opinion