What does it mean if a guys snap score goes up but doesn't respond to your message?

What does it mean if a guys snap score goes up but doesn't respond to your message. Because my crush's snap score goes up but doesn't respond to me even if he has left me on delivered for a while or for hours. Does it mean his ignoring my texts? But then when he does texts me it seems like he could like me as he has teased me and laughed at things I have said and seems like he wants to talk to me as he isn't dry and asks questions. But he used to reply quick but now he is starting to take a bit longer to reply and I know he could be busy but then I see his snap score go up which means he is on Snapchat and not busy but he doesn't respond to me and I can't see him in person either to talk to him.
So I don't know what I should do.
What does it mean if a guys snap score goes up but doesn't respond to your message?
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