How does it work to get set up with someone by a friend?


After my breakup, I waited until I knew I was over her before deciding I was ready to date. A distant cousin of mine was there for me while I was going through the difficulties, becoming my best friend. When she had seen that I was no longer going through the grief of the breakup, she asked if I would be interested in meeting someone she works with. She made no promises, but felt like we would get along great. Feeling ready to meet people, but having no luck, I was interested in finding more out. Knowing nothing, I wasn’t getting my hopes up.

I was just asked to send my cousin a picture, it turns out the girl is also interested, and 10 years younger than me

I've never met someone through being set up by someone, so I have no idea how the process goes and how we would meet for the first time. Doing something like a double date might not be possible. This would also be the first time we’d even talkIs there any good advice from anyone that has successfully met someone in this type of situation, and how the process usually works? I’m 42 years old, so things may be a lot different than a person in their 20s

How does it work to get set up with someone by a friend?
2 Opinion