Is it really over? Or is the guy decompressing? what to do?


I've been seeing this guy for a month, started out really intense. There was a spark and a physical attraction immediately. We took it to the next level within a week. We became inseperable and feelings grew fast for both of us. I had a co. plicated livimg situation he knew about where we couldnt be at my palce, he umderstood. We did have our mini arguments here and there but it qas always do to misscommunication with texts. The last night qe were together everything was great , we ended on a good note and went our separate ways home as i was hanging with my girlfriend that nite. We were drinking when my friend and I got home and i sent a text stating I can't do this anymore its to much with a sad face. He immediately responded with get ur situation figured out then mayby we can make it work i wish the best for you. He then blocked me and i couldnt respond. I then went to his marina n tried to talk to him amd he blew me off refused to talk and said were done just leave n told. my friend if i wouldve just left it alone he wouldve had time to think. Its been 2 days and zero communication. His last words to me were I dont hate you. Is it really over?

1 y
How long is being blocked to long before you know its 100% over?
Is it really over? Or is the guy decompressing? what to do?
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