How to tell my fiancé politely to be more gentle with me without sounding, I don't know awkward/weak/naggy?


Me and my fiance went straight from completely platonic dating for 3 years to getting engaged and moving in together. We're both in that honeymoon phase and are getting along. Expect for one thing, he's really rough with just about everything. I lowkey knew this about him while we were dating from his personality: but before it was platonic.

Say I'm sat on the sofa, he doesn't ask me to move up but just picks me up and places me somewhere else. When we're outside, he just tugs me around everywhere - if I'm shopping and he realises we're getting late, he just says, "Quick, we need to go now" and just yanks my arm. I don't know weather I should be speaking of intimate life here: but even in bed he's just way too much for me to handle regularly. Not mention his hugs are way too tight, so is his hand holding. Once we were with friends and he kept trying to hold my waist, so I playfully pushed him away, he reciprocated the push but when he did it I fell over. Even he was a little surprised.

That's when I thought, maybe he doesn't actually know he's being too rough. So I told him on a couple of occasions, and addressed all the incidences above. So he usually is cautious and gentle for the next hour, and then just forgets again. I don't want to keep nagging him over something that's perhaps not in his control but guy literally unintentionally bruised my wrist by simply holding it for 3 minutes. He doesn't even go to the gym (I don't think) but I don't know.

[Extra: Just for reference personality wise he's always been quite introverted, not much of a talker but he's also really sweet, kind hearted and I truly believe him to be my soulmate. We both love eachother, and he's proven his love in uncountable ways.]

How to tell my fiancé politely to be more gentle with me without sounding, I don't know awkward/weak/naggy?
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