When will you understand that women can have have trouble getting dates too?

I'm a female, and every guy hates me. They seem to do everything they can to avoid me, and trashy couples constantly mock me for being single.
Seriously, males treat me like shit. I got one date and he made up a bullshit excuse to not actually want to date me, and up to this point, he's still the only date I've gotten.

I'm not even treated like I'm a person, more like a disgusting dog's chew toy that someone left laying around. And yet, these mfers still have the nerve to claim I only want goddamn Chad. I do my best to avoid Chad because those things treat me the worst. I'm outwardly rude to tall or conventionally attractive guys because I don't want them assuming I have a crush on them.
I don't want fucking Chad. Yet you still won't believe me because you need an excuse to throw tantrums. My highest standard is I don't want to date a guy outside of my age range, or my physical range, which is about 17-21 and 2 hours away max, and if that makes them a "Chad" then you have really weird ideas.
When will you understand that women can have have trouble getting dates too?
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