Do women generally understand men better or vice versa?


Growing up I always heard that women understand men better than men understand women.

To a certain extent that makes sense. Women usually have better intuition and relationships are a big deal to them. Plus they are usually taught at an earlier age on what traps/dangers avoid with men. Given women can get pregnant and men can’t I understand the parental concern there.

But as I got older I have found that many women do not understand men at all. If they did then they wouldn’t come up with all these radical feminist bs “movements” (metoo a few years ago) They would have the rationale to understand that a minority of men will always be evil. They need to look out (and call out) the true scumbags vs. having blanket stereotyping/discrimination against large swathes of men.

Of course I know most women aren’t radical feminists. But how and why do these people have so much power and influence when most people disagree with them (even if they don’t publicly say it).

Guys do have strong impulsive sex drives and we are taught to be competitive/independent. But most of us aren’t evil and have zero interest in controlling women.

Women generally understand men better
Men generally understand women better
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1 y
Men are generally more straightforward and simple. When we do act weird and indirect it’s usually a RESPONSE to how women have “trained” us.
Do women generally understand men better or vice versa?
10 Opinion