Is he leading me on?

So I started to talk to this guy a while ago at first I didn't want to because I had a lot of missteps with boys in the last year I did not feel like putting myself out there anymore but I decided to give him a chance we’ve been talking for a while at first he was calling me mama I found that weird so I told him to stop and he started calling me babe instead I did Mind because he asked me if he could and I was like sure and I call him to bear so the thing is everything is cool and so good that it is scaring me because I feel like he’s leading me on like we call each other cute nicknames good morning and good night and just other crazy adorable things also today he asked me for my pictures like not anything inappropriate just like pictures of me he just wants to have them because it ends on Friday and I’m like that’s so cute
Is he leading me on?
2 Opinion