Why are most American guys not traditional?

Why are most American men against providing financially for their families?

Every American guy I’ve dated believes in 50/50 and sees a housewife or stay at home as lazy. Many use inflation as an excuse, but every guy I dated that moved here from overseas has literally believed in providing regardless of inflation and finances.

And none of these guys are rich bc they’re all immigrants living on their own. But the West is the only place to push for both parties to work and doesn’t value traditional homes/families.

I’m personally traditional and would love to keep a clean home and have home cooked meals for my man as long as he provides for us. And I don’t expect luxury. I just expect a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on the table.

And I would love to be a stay at home who has enough time for my children.

My mom was a stay at home mom and I always came home home cooked meals and got to spend so much time with her while my dad worked.

So men, how come western men don’t want this anymore? Is it not appealing?
Why are most American guys not traditional?
20 Opinion