Should I tell my friend that she’s getting set up with the feds?


So this girl in my group married a guy out the blue that cheated on her and literally brought the other chick everything. Suddenly he shows up and their married. She even moved back to Arizona from Ohio after they broke up. She really isn’t married to him but he’s actually setting her up with the Feds. Should I tell her or mind my business? I’m married but we all know that it isn’t real. He delayed that wedding every damn chance he got with every excuse he could think of. In the group chat it was constant delays and excuses about why he wouldn’t marry her. The date even kept changing. Everyone in the group said they thought she wasn’t getting married because of all the delays. Suddenly she moved back home out of state and that’s when he pops back up. now suddenly they are married. I also found out he is with this other chick still. He even just added my friend on his Facebook page when they got “married” I’m so confused!

Should I tell my friend that she’s getting set up with the feds?
2 Opinion