What will make you end a date on the spot?

What will make you end a date on the spot?

For me personally, although my "dates" nowadays are of a business nature, rudeness, vulgarity, lack of effort and partecipation, will make me cut the date short - also lack of hygiene and overall improper behavior.

When I'm out with someone on a date or a dinner, I'm doing my best to give them a pleasant experience and give them my best self, and I expect for them to do the same. Also, be punctual or give me a heads up if you'll be late - time is money and I want to be home within a certain hour - so if the other person is very late, I won't be staying past my end time to make up for their tardiness - if I agreed to be with you for two hours, and you arrive 30 minutes later, I'll stay with you one hour and a half.

Last, expecting "something more" after the date - no, thank you. I'm very upfront that I'm happily married and while for business I'm willing - with my wife's consent - to entertain you for an evening or afternoon, I'm not crossing that line for a deal. Naturally it's much rarer for women to "push their luck" like men do, but some oddball still tries - maybe to get a leverage or fishing for blackmail material.

They say that usually is the woman who silently judges the man during an outing or a date, be it romantic or business-related - I do the same. I might be smiling and nodding, but if you embarass me or give me a lasting a bad impression, I will be cutting our date short and won't see you ever again.

What about you?

What will make you end a date on the spot?
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