How do I move on from someone I never dated and accept they will never like me?


I (20f) have spent most of my life liking guys who didn’t care about me. I think it all stems back to my early childhood and me seeking out hopeless crushes on boys who didn’t care about me in order to distract from my life and feel like I have a purpose. I understand why I have spent so much of my time liking unavailable guys, I just don’t understand why I am still holding onto feeling unwanted and caring more about what these past guys I liked thought about me as opposed to what’s reality. I had a huge crush on this guy in high school he never liked me back. I feel like it’s because im not his type. I slept with his friend and his friend didn’t like me either for the same reason. I need to move on from it and not care anymore. How do I let go of these guys that don’t matter and love myself?

How do I move on from someone I never dated and accept they will never like me?
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