Which guy, looks or personality?

Which guy, looks or personality?

2 guy friends, a possibility of dating?

Both guys I've known online for 2 years, we talk on and off, with our good and bad weeks. I've met them eavh individually once, very different kind of days out and different guys.

Number (1) and I share a lot in common its almost strange. We share the same values and he's very mature. I can see something long-term with him. The only downside is that the differences we do have we argue over. He also has autism which means that there are constant communication issues. I feel like we're both very submissive people but that could be potentially comforting. There was no pfp when I started talking to him, so I talked to him for the conversation. In some ways I find him attractive, but it's 50/50.

Number (2) and I share almost nothing in common, although we seem to be able to communicate very easily. Once talking we are both there for each other emotionally and are passionate about our ideas. The downside with him is that I feel I'm constantly struggling to make conversation as it revolves around him. If a relationship were to evolve it would be short term. He is more dominant than myself. I started talking to him originally because he was attractive.

1 (personality)
2 (looks)
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Which guy, looks or personality?
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