Who likes a gigantic height difference more?


in my opinion I think both do. Its common for tall men to seek out women incredibly shorter than them and women to seek out men incredibly taller than them. Its not uncommon to see height pairings in which the woman's head is leveled with a tall guys belly button. As a short man myself it is very hard for me to create a big height difference with any human being unless they are a baby or child or they have dwarfism.

Tall men
Short and average height women
They both do
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
11 mo
Edit: Maybe including other tall men themselves I feel small but I feel like even if the guy is 6'0 - 6'2 I i still don't feel incredibly short. I can't imagine any woman below my height with a guy immensely taller than them.
Who likes a gigantic height difference more?
4 Opinion