I met this girl online, we talked on the phone for 2 hours to start and set up a date. she agreed but started to be timely with responses?

I met this girl online we set up a date over the phone. For the next couple of days we talked a little bit but we each took hours to respond because we were busy. One day I called by mistake and she didn’t know who it was because her headphone read out my full number and asked me to call her later after work. She texted me and I told her I’d call her when I got home and when I did she didn’t respond and she posted at the gym. We haven’t been texting really and I decided to just send the logistics of the date and make my decision through that. She sent me a text back the morning of the date to reschedule because of an emergency. What should I do? She hasn’t blocked me on social media or unfollowed (behaviors usually when someone isn’t interested) or deleted our app conversation. And she still views my stories on multiple apps and doesn’t respond. This was supposed to be our first date.
I met this girl online, we talked on the phone for 2 hours to start and set up a date. she agreed but started to be timely with responses?
1 Opinion