21 and Needing Help With My Current Issue?

Hello, I'm 21 and in the Air Force. I'm currently stationed in Florida and have been here since I was 19. Since being here, I have not seen one girl. I gave up a little over a year ago because I was becoming frustrated with no results and recently, I've been having urges to approach women again. The problem is that the place I'm at barely has anyone that is my age because all of the girls have been taking up, which is one of the main reasons why I gave up. An example of one of my urges was when I went to goodwill and saw a girl my age working as a cashier. When I went to my car, I had a strong feeling of going back, but I decided not to. Another one is a girl at target that works there that is about my age (probably younger) and I really want to approach but I feel like it won't turn to nothing and it would make things awkward if I do get rejected. I am not on any dating apps because those are biased towards women plus a military base nearby makes it 10x worse. What should I do about my situation? Should I try with the girl at target? I was thinking about waiting to date when I get out the military which is like a year and eight months from now
21 and Needing Help With My Current Issue?
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