How do I know if a woman is bisexual or just nice to you?


Two examples from my real life :

1. Last year in Poland, I made a very good friend. The racing champion and a very smart girl we both were flying to China and we spent the holidays in Poland together, but the thing is she looked a little bit like a boy, however she wasn’t, but she was very masculine and tomboyish. A few times when we went out to have fun together, she would take off her coat and put on my shoulders cause I was cold. Well, I felt it was a bit unusual but found it very caring and didn’t complain.

I have lots of female friends and we have been caring to each other but none of them have had this masculine energy.

Then she traveled hundreds of miles from her city in China to me to find a place and live near me. I let her stay with me and she slept in my bed for 3 days, when the last day she said there was a girl who liked her and she wondered if she should give it a try. I told her I’d support her any decision and I’d love her the same way, regardless of she dated men or women. She then asked me if I have ever liked a girl. Which, I haven’t because I am very fond of masculine energy and a male body and just a man.

After she heard that she has not visited ever again. We still talk but she hasn’t visited me.

2. There’s a woman who is a bit masculine, she’s a biological woman but she’s very masculine. Acts masculine, looks masculine and seems to be very attentive and caring to me. I wonder if she deep down likes me, maybe she even doesn’t expose it to herself.

But when I met her I felt like she was acting quite masculine around me, in a protective and caring way. And I felt like I usually don’t feel this way with women who are feminine. Am I overthinking? I am not interested in either of these cases, I just wonder if that’s the case.

9 mo
And I don’t mean that masculine girls are bisexual. I actually ask about their bisexuality because I know for a fact, both of them have had relationships with men in the past. I just feel a bit unusual around them, I have a lot of female friends and have never felt that way with them. But the way they act towards me reminds me of the way I’ve been treated by men. It’s totally okay if they are, I am hust asking for curiosity.
How do I know if a woman is bisexual or just nice to you?
10 Opinion