Is it worth telling my female friend/coworker how I feel?


I have befriended and have been hanging out with my coworker outside of work. We've been talking and hanging out for about 2 months and a week. She has shown signs that she's possibly into me such as through her body language, prolonged staring, her looking at me when I'm not looking, initiating hang outs and texting every day, etc. The past few days, she has been going through a lot regarding her living situation and I've been the first person she's been turning to for advice and asking for my opinion and wanting me to make these decisions with her (which she is very independent and doesn't ask people for all of that and she expresses that thought). I met her parents during the move and she wanted me to meet them. She told me how much they love me and how she doesn't introduce just anyone to her family. She's also been saying that her "problems are now yours and yours are mine." She's giving me the spare key to her new place. She's been trying to make sure she's been seeing me every day this week. We went out for dinner the other day and we were drinking and she reiterated her parents liking me and just how important it was for me to meet them. She told me that when she's with me, she lets me make all the decisions for us. She almost slipped up and said, "in the future, if we get together..." but stopped herself before saying the word "together." She told me that she had something planned for us and it was to dress up super nice, go to dinner, and then have a photo shoot to update my dating profile. I got hurt by it, so later on I told her how a coworker thought we were dating since I've been with her so much and helping her move and I told them "no, we aren't." She was visibly hurt and waited a bit before responding with "just someone helping someone else out." Since then, she's seemed down and I feel like I hurt her. Should I come clean and tell her exactly how I feel even though she might tell me she only sees me as a friend? Or should I just keep it to myself?

Is it worth telling my female friend/coworker how I feel?
1 Opinion