Is someone waiting for Mr/Miss right a waste of time?

I’m not saying it a bad thing wanting to find Mr/Miss Right. Let’s say I have this friend and she has been frustrated with her dating life and complaining about how guy’s rejected her because she told them she is a virgin and she is waiting until marriage. She complained to me that her dating life is terrible. She has been on a lot of dates but never lead to a relationship. I’ve always been there to lend her a hand but give her honest advice. She is in her late 30s (38) and she told me her family is telling her the biological clock is ticking and she wasn’t told that like almost 20 years ago but now she is getting older. She always complains about never having a real relationship. She told me now after several failed attempted relationships, she is going to wait for him and he has to be right. I told her she shouldn’t bring up her virginity so quickly because it will drive men away and she should focus on her life and what she needs to do. Also I told her she is just wasting her time focusing on finding me right instead of focusing on her and taking care of herself but don’t lose her virginity just because others are and do it when she is ready. It’s her life and I respect her choice. She got upset with me for saying that and easy for me to say because I’m a couple years younger than her.
Is someone waiting for Mr/Miss right a waste of time?
4 Opinion