Why do men make good decent women wait on them and then dump them?


So, I know like a dozen 35+ years old women and they really beautiful too. 2 of them I would marry if distance wasn't an issue. So, what is the problem with these men? Every story is similar the script is same, the guy kept them around for 10-15 years and then the guy says he isn't going to marry them.

Why the fuck does it happen like this? And then these women have spend up their energy and mind and youth loyally on these trash bins and then get a no in the end. Why does it happen? And I tell you this happened to women who were family oriented, not party girls. I am willing to pledge my soul about them. And it pained me to hear there stories. It happened each time to them and I felt really sorrow in my heart.

All of them just wanted kids, have a family and look after the house. Not going after careers or anything remotely too much for a normal guy. Yet they got played on by those guys. It is really upsetting for me. And like I said I wish at least 2 of them were my own wives instead. My heart aches for them all.

P. S: please I don't want the hate that those were feminist because they weren't okay. So keep that to yourself.

Why do men make good decent women wait on them and then dump them?
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