Does being socially inept usually result in lifelong singleness?

I went to a large young adult event at my church tonight, and I didn't know anyone. I engaged in some conversation but I was incredibly anxious. I ended up leaving in the middle of the event.

I am normally a loner. I am 29 and never had a real girlfriend. I am very awkward and clumsy in social situations. My conversations usually don't last, and I am always having to think of what I am going to say next.

I am involved in a smaller Bible group consisting of several single men and I am feeling more comfortable in that setting now.

I don't know if I will ever find a woman. To make matters worse, I only want a woman without a romantic past, meaning no previous boyfriend or romantic bonds, especially from her youth.

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Does being socially inept usually result in lifelong singleness?
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