Is dating other unattractive people the only real solution for unattractive people who are unable to find a partner?


I don't want to upset anyone by this opinion. I believe that there is a notion of conventional attractiveness in any society. Most people find the same kind of features attractive. If you lack these features, most people will find you physically unattractive. Conventionally attractive people usually do date other conventionally attractive people. It is very hard to date above your league in terms of physical appearance. And yes, most people (both men and women) definitely do care a lot about physical appearance. Even the people saying otherwise are often just saying so in order to not look shallow. For men, I think if you can earn significantly more than the women you are interested in, you still have a chance if you are lacking in physical appearance (I have personally experienced this). There is a very limited amount of change you can make to your body in order to look more attractive. It is mostly genetics.

If you look around you, you find people are marrying people of a similar level of attractiveness as themselves. People eventually come to overlook appearance and focus on other qualities. We should just accept this instead of being upset or disappointed about it. It's really not anyone's fault.

Is dating other unattractive people the only real solution for unattractive people who are unable to find a partner?
11 Opinion