3 mo

Girl I liked stopped talking to me because she thought I wanted to be with her ex?

So for a little context, we were talking for a while up until the last date (3rd date) where she told me how the guy she’s living with (who was her ex) confessed that he still had feelings for her. After that, things just went down hill between me and her from there. Not immediately but I’ve noticed a huge change with communication and I didn’t know why.

Well, as of recently she’s been extremely distant and her excuse was that she needed to be alone and handle things but she still thought about me, etc etc so I was like okay no problem I’m here if you need anything.

Today, she hit me up telling me how I was weird and creepy for going on her ex’s page and how she thought I was stalking him on tik tok. I told her how I couldn’t find her page and when I wanted to go on it I’d have to go through his profile to get to it (confusing I know) she said she still found it creepy and showed I liked him etc etc. keep in mind, I’m lesbian and if I wanted to be with a guy I would and have in my past. She was someone I invested time in and wanted to be with so for her to bring up her ex and how she thought I was a stalker and a weirdo was extremely out of line and offensive.

Now I don’t know who’s in the wrong, me, him or her. Keep in mind he actually added me on tik tok one day and messaged me randomly saying “so are we gonna talk about how me and you are hopping onto each others profiles” it was extremely random and weird and me being me, I responded with something dry and vague (keep in mind we weren’t even mutuals) but he kept pursing into the messages even if it was short and vague but I cut it off and blocked him because I didn’t want to give the wrong signals and be weird and just out of respect for her. He apparently told her about our boring convo though trying to make himself look good and now she blocked me and cut me off thinking I want him, completely forgetting the fact he was the one that messaged and added me and not the other way around.

Am I in the wrong
Girl I liked stopped talking to me because she thought I wanted to be with her ex?
1 Opinion