Need help with a shy guy! He used to like me but when we stopped talking I began to like him.. please keep on reading!?

We used to talk a lot and he used to be the perkiest, most fun, and always smiling shy guy when around me, but a few situations happened where I rejected him in an indirect way and we gradually stopped talking.. Im gonna see him this summer again and I like him now, i heard that he liked a few other girls (each seperately, ofcourse) during the time we stopped talking.. Is it BECAUSE we stopped talking? Is he trying to forget me? He used to tell his friend he thinks im so beautiful and he'd love to be with me, and I didn't used to like him until now
Please tell me what you guys think about all this, he no longer answers all my texts and im definitely not clingy!
Please help and tell me what to do this summer:(
Need help with a shy guy! He used to like me but when we stopped talking I began to like him.. please keep on reading!?
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