3 mo

EMT/First Responders, Should I Give up on Her?

I need a perspective from those who are involved in first response/EMT/Medical, as you'll understand better than I do since I'm in archaeology.

I was talking to a woman who is currently on an ambulance crew and currently does a 6pm to 6am shift, and supposedly does work Monday to Saturday, according to what I've learned. She used to be pretty responsive, but out of the blue, I haven't heard from her for more than 60 hours. This behavior started last week.

I'm considering moving on from her and just removing myself from the dating pool, altogether for the considerable future. She and I were really into one another and were getting pretty serious. But considering the recent events, I feel like it's no longer worth the effort, and I feel ghosted.

What do you people in her field have to say? I understand the job is extremely demanding of your time and energy and emotional state, but this feels like I'm now no longer important in her life or she found someone else she liked more, even though she was very much into me and approached me first. Perspectives would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.
EMT/First Responders, Should I Give up on Her?
EMT/First Responders, Should I Give up on Her?
Post Opinion