2 mo

Should I take my female friend with me to Hawaii?

Here's the deal. There's this one lady that I did start off dating a few years ago. We only dated for less than 2 months, but have remained friends since then, even to today. I did tell her recently that I now have reason to believe I never fully got over her, and she said she'd consider it, but that's another story. Let's assume we remain friends here for this question. A really good guy friend of mine is getting married later this year in Hawaii. When I told my female friend this, she said she wanted to go with me. Not to the wedding itself, but to see Hawaii. I originally thought that it may be awkward for me to bring her if either of us was dating someone else at the time, but lately I've kinda had second thoughts about that. A good boyfriend or girlfriend should be trusting. I have never cheated on anyone in my life and neither has she. What do you think, should I do it?
2 mo
Sure, it would benefit me financially since we'd split the cost of the hotel and rental car, but I wouldn't want to potentially ruin any future relationship we'd have with someone else if it came to that
Should I take my female friend with me to Hawaii?
3 Opinion