I recently started dating a girl and things are going great. We had planned to go hiking this weekend, but I injured my knee playing basketball and will probably be on crutches for a while. While we can still go for dinner and watch movies, I'm looking for some unique date ideas that don't require much movement.
- 1 mo
I used to play cards with my dad’s friend’s daughter and a mutual same age friend every weekend. Big two was our game of choice. Monopoly is also a good game to play. If you want a date that is more elaborate, you could maybe do cardio in a shallow pool together - I used to work out by shredding water in the pool but you could simply walk around the pool instead of swimming in it. Or visit the hot tub instead of the pool.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure @sirderpsalot123
You men are dropping like flies this summer. What the heck? Stop it.
This man needs your expert advice..
224 Reply- 1 mo
- 1 mo
Anyone who talks to Db is likely to break a limb or too.. it's that effect she has on us! :))
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure she's a dangerous woman
- 1 mo
@sirderpsalot123 I know... There are also rumours going around she has a spy name called 'Danger Bunny'.. I don't know if they're true or not though!
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure better stay away from my Q then. Don't want that breaking. 🤪 I don't have time to deal with fussy wives and girlfriend's today.
- 1 mo
:)) Lemme go see what questions you're asking.. I haven't been answering many lately..
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure it was asked to knock @sirderpsalot123 on his butt first thing today. As he swore to be more cocky today. Thought ti bip that in the bud.
- 1 mo
*to nip (I seem to have unwillingly caught your keys)
- 1 mo
Wooo someone's a bit flustered :P
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure way to flip it, sir. Glad life is keeping you busier. It's healthier than gag. lol
- 1 mo
I actually managed a light jog today of just over a mile without too much discomfort on the leg as well. So fingers crossed!!
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure Brave man. The human bodies ability to heal shocks me.
- 1 mo
And of course fingers and toes crossed!
- 1 mo
Thanks Db. >:D<
- 1 mo
@the29thhuman Crumbling? We do what we must to get better. I don't believe in coddling up in cotton wool like some wimp, and neither do my friends who have been very supportive in just the right way.
- 1 mo
@the29thhuman No thank you. I've seen how defensive you get over a simple difference of opinion!
Calling me a weirdo is funny though.. Do you do stand up comedy? I think you might be quite good at it! - 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure just report them, trolling
- 1 mo
Thanks db
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure it was probably another man in a pink account.
- 1 mo
I certainly do seem to attract the odd lunatic here and there.. I suppose everyone does..
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure yes. Had my fair share myself.
- 1 mo
@db I wonder what they get out of it. I mean, it's not as if they win any medals for it, and they always end up in that cesspit of a bin
- 1 mo
@TommyMountainFigure Thay lack socialization skills. The only way they know how to get a reaction is to attempt to trigger people. Best reaction is to report and ignore them. Deprive them of the attention they so desperately crave.
- 1 mo
Nods very much in approval!
- 1 mo
If you like acting, you could start drama lessons together.. Stick a parrot on your shoulder and wear an eye patch.. Repeat these words.. Arrrrrr Jim lad!
Sorry buddy, I really DO wish you well though It's the type of things I've had to endure from my mates these past weeks.. But I really do know what you're going through!
10 Reply
- 1 mo
I took my girlfriend to an escape room for a second date and it was actually a lot of fun. Just call ahead and make sure the room is 100% puzzles and nothing physical.
42 Reply- 1 mo
That sounds fun.
- 1 mo
@dustybiker2 It does. I wouldn't mind having a go at one of those too.
What Girls & Guys Said
315 opinions shared on Dating topic. Couple classes- pottery class, cooking class, painting class, bonding class of some sort? Like massage each other or couple yoga I don't know 😆
Movies, any tours with sitting maybe some quad tour in a forest area. Horse riding trails. A zoo with a truck/ jeep tour. Any fun hotels with animals if they have- like the one in Africa where you can feed giraffes 🦒.
picnic. Drive some park place and do fishing maybe scale/ fillet it? And grill it (impressive ehhh). 🎣
Some fancy dinner place maybe with movie or aquarium? Watch stuff? Some place where they do entertainment while you dine? That way you both can talk about it afterward.
Best best is keeping it close to the trail as possible since you both may be outdoorsy type and I don't know you PEOPLE 😂
The horse back/ jeep / quad/ dune buggy tours
present any of these if you like to her, but ultimately talk to her and tell her about the injury and ask her where she’d like to. This way she can also help suggest places she’d find to be fun maybe. I don't know who suggested the hike.
Let it be fun for both and something to talk of after and learn more about each other or bond together while on the date/ doing stuff together.
Hope this helps. Best to you! 💯 Speedy recovery and successful relationship to you both 💪
00 Reply2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Hot air balloon, carriage ride, scenic bus tour, etc. (Stuff you can basically sit for and still move around to see sites.)
00 Reply- 27 d
Netflix and chill... KIDDING... Probably a dinner date where the restaurant is easy in and out. So you were planning on going hiking before the injury? I do that a lot because I usually date women who are into hiking.
00 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Don't push your luck, you want to heal correctly don't you?
10 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. A cast signing… set up somewhere where there are lots of girls and get some sympathy signings with phone numbers…. lol
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
I broke my arm and we went to workshops, candle workshops, perfume workshops, etc.
10 Reply 6.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Wheelchair racing/
11 Reply- 1 mo
That's a classic! lol
3.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Tell her she has to be on top.
00 Reply- 1 mo
Breakdancing lessons? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
00 Reply - 1 mo
Board games!
10 Reply
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