- 1 mo
I don't even know what the behavior is but women will always be blamed first.
Doesn't even matter what it is. Sex involved? Women are sluts or whores.
A man can't get a date? Women have too many choices, women are all cheaters and after money only, woman gets raped, what was she wearing? she was asking for it. Woman gets raped or harassed, she's evil, she's falsely accusing.
Just blame women for everything. Seems to be popular these days lol.57 Reply- Asker1 mo
It is just a headache to be honest because all it is over is some stupid crap like everything is supposed to be predictable for us and all people know that you can’t change a person unwilling to change.
- 1 mo
ABSOLUTELY TRUTH. Women always get blamed By men actions
- 1 mo
@mandyfire98 it only seems that way because women have absolutely zero accountability for anything.
You say women have it so bad, look at how men build and construct everything in this world and look at how much women hate men nowadays. Bunch of ungrateful dimwits, brats women are today. - 1 mo
And your account is is banned hahaha. I Wonder why?
By the way this guy just proved my point 😂😂😂 - Asker1 mo
At this point it is whatever if women are going to get blamed for stuff than the man wasn’t even worth our time to begin with.
- 1 mo
I think the biggest problem here is that we (men) are trained from childhood to be the omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent creatures on earth. As we grow up, we begin to (well, some of us do) see that we are not these things. Women are trained that they are just as good or better than men, that they can do no wrong, and the world should be handed to them. Mind you, these are not everyone's values to teach their children, but majority rules. Women also grow up to find that these things are not true. This is, in my opinion, where all this victimization on both sides becomes the "truth". When your father for girls and mother for boys (oftentimes) tells you these things and you learn the reality is those are lies to empower you and, subconsciously you will develop an untrusting, skeptical, disinterested view of the opposite sex. This is probably why children love one parent so much (mommy's boy and daddy's girl) until they are teens and the children switch parents. Usually. By this time the girls and women have the commonality of the world view of men and boys with their fathers. The underLYING point is we all subconsciously "know" that boys are bullies, they expect to be treated with respect, and they are the most malevolent creatures on earth, and flipside we all know that women are lying, manipulative, gold diggers trying to overthrow men who rightfully own the world. This is all garbage. But let me add a little more to compound these intrinsic facts of untruth: how many times have you (anyone, male or female, we all do it or have done it) met a person and started a relationship omitting parts of your true and authentic self? Then after some time you get resentful because you can't suppress yourself for very long and you blame the other person for trying to change you or not let you be who you are? This tiny "I need to make a good impression" lie is how the generalized popular beliefs of the sexes are now written in stone.
- 1 mo
Although, it is much easier for humankind to let themselves be victims and martyrs than to accept our flaws. Go figure.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
Cause men struggle to take responsibility for their actions
02 Reply- 1 mo
@goodnightgrace Would also like to add: can you give examples of when/how women take responsibility for their actions?
What Girls & Guys Said
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Women are only responsible - and it's partial responsibility - for the bad behavior of men that affects the woman.
Let me give you an example. Say I'm a criminal, and you hang out with me. You don't commit any crime on your own, but sometimes you are along for the ride when I am committing crimes. You can still be charged as an assessory because you did nothing to stop me or report me.
It's your moral responsibility in life not to knowingly associate with criminals, but if you do so anyway, you can be held partially responsible.
If I run a business and there could be injuries, or if there is money involved, it's my responsibility to make sure the employees aren't drunk or high, and don't have a history of theft or fraud. If they hurt someone or steal, and I didn't vet them well, I will be held partially responsible for what they did.
The same is true with relationships. Your responsibility is to choose a partner with good morals and values - which means you have to vet any potential partner before you agree to be with them. If you choose not to do that, you will be partially responsible if they cheat, are abusive, are neglectful, or they are terrible with money.
In all cases, the PRIMARY responsibility belongs to the person doing the bad things, but if you are involved, you have partial responsibility too.
Obviously, the same is true the other direction.
This is all a pretty basic part of being an adult04 Reply- 1 mo
Do you truly believe that people are not solely responsible for their own choices in this life? (Aside from coercion, of course.)
I mean, if a person chooses a partner with history of cheating, are they really responsible for any cheating going forward?
Absolutely not. They may be responsible for choosing to put themselves in the situation, especially when these behaviors have been well established.
But they are not responsible for the cheating.
That is a choice made by the cheater.
To say someone else is responsible for his choices is absurd.
Blaming other people for your personal choices is not even close to being an adult. Never mind trying to play it off as basic adulting. - 1 mo
@RainbowMarinade I'm actually with him on this one, your example of cheating especially drew my attention. If I get with a cheater and get cheated on I can only blame myself, not the cheater.
Would you buy a ford pinto or chevy impala that spontaneously combusts and blame the manufacturer for it after the recall has been issued? - 1 mo
I’m so confused. So personal responsibility doesn’t count anymore? Are we to accept “she made me do it” as a viable excuse for shitty things we do to each other?
Understand that this is not the same as her taking responsibility for putting herself in this situation, especially knowing where it will inevitably lead. She needs to look at her own choices in this example.
But she is not, in any way, responsible for HIS choices.
Sorry, but that car analogy just doesn’t work. Probably because your relationship with your wife is a lot more complicated than your relationship with your car.
I hope anyway. - 1 mo
Let me say again: the person doing the bad things has primary, majority responsibility. It's their actions and choices. However, this does NOT mean that a person who closely associates with them can absolve themselves of secondary responsibility, just because you didn't do the bad thing yourself. If you choose to associate with that person, knowing that they do those bad things, you are going to be held partially responsible. I've already given examples of this.
If I chose to date or marry a woman who clearly just wanted my money, and, SHOCKINGLY, she spent all my money and then left me as soon as I was broke, I would have partial responsibility for that, even though SHE was the one who spent all the money and then abandoned me. Why? Because I knew who she was, and I chose her anyway, knowing what was likely to happen.
Why is it that people have no problem agreeing with this, but if we talk about women being responsible for the men they choose, everyone loses their mind?
- 1 mo
Men aren’t to blame for women’s bad behavior just as women aren’t to blame for men’s. It’s not a excuse to take your anger and frustration out on somebody whose never did anything to you.
There are people dealing with trauma form things that have happened. But people are in change of themselves and what they do. People can choose to become the monster that hurt them to go inflict pain on others. Or they can grow and become better people. As well as know who to look out for.
00 Reply 2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. The same reason men are blamed for women’s bad behavior , sadly a lot of people in general have a hard time taking accountability for their own selfish actions , it’s always someone else’s’ fault but never their own , it’s easier to point fingers’ at someone else, instead of pointing fingers at yourself first. It happens all the time because people are selfish
00 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I'm not really for sure now you have me curious what are the answers
20 Reply1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. This is curious because it's often women who blame men for why women do shitty things.
Can you explain how women are to blame for men's bad behavior?
07 Reply- 1 mo
have you ever heard people comment on a woman who has been raped? like ”what were u wearing?” ”why didn't u say no?”, its a prime example and happens all the time.
- 1 mo
@chocolatetwopointo Those comments do happen, but I don't think nearly in comparison to the ones that defend a woman and put down a rapist.
- 1 mo
like what?
- 1 mo
@chocolatetwopointo Well, for starters most people are already taught that a guy is threatening to a woman to begin with, so if she complains about something most people will believe her even if the guy is innocent. Employment systems are set up to protect women this way, and again even if the guy is innocent.
People are more likely to think of a man as a "creep" just because a woman said so, without people really knowing what happened or DIDN'T happen. If a man ever complains about a woman doing something inappropriate or even trying to be forcible with something sexual on him, most people either aren't going to believe it or will think he should've just gone with it and enjoyed it. - 1 mo
well yeah bc you have a chance if somebody attacked u, a woman wouldn't stand a chance against a guy.
nope, bc men r more likely to be creeps. thats js the people u associate with. normal people will believe the guy and help him, if they dont then they’re horrible people. - 1 mo
@chocolatetwopointo You are thinking from the limited perspective of a teenage girl, so I don't expect you to really understand, I'm just telling you the facts. Hopefully one day you'll get it.
- 1 mo
nope. i do understand. u have to take accountability too yk.
1 moEach of us is responsible for our own behavior and consistently blaming others is a huge red flag.
00 Reply- 1 mo
The problem is too many women (not all but too many) enable and reward “bad boy” behavior.
Take Luigi Mangonie for instance. He cowardly shot an innocent Brian Thompson (who is a father and husband) in the back. Yet hordes of women are ogling over him right now. Like he’s some sort of rebel “alpha” or some bullshit. In reality he’s a mentally ill piece of sh*t.
But a more common occurrence is when women pursue taken men and try to tempt them to cheat. I know whenever I was in a relationship other women started coming out of the woodworks.
Anyway not all women are like nor is male bad behavior justified. But a large segment of women are not helping with this crap. I realize they usually have their own psychological issues (raised in broken/abusive families). But there is a difference between understandable vs. acceptable.
It might be understandable that women make stupid choices to enter toxic relationships because they had bad/absent male role models. But it does not justify that stupid self destructive behavior. It’s not an excuse. It may be complicated and understandable but that’s not the same thing as acceptable.
324 Reply- 1 mo
Ignoring that Brian Thompson is responsible for thousand or possibly millions of deaths, due to his implementation of AI to automatically deny claims they paid him to cover.
- 1 mo
@NimbleOcelot so it’s totally fine to shoot him in the back like a cowardly sack of sh*t, right? And Luigi wasn’t even personally impacted by healthcare claims. He was never a member of United Healthcare. He even f*cking admitted that “he didn’t understand how to fix healthcare”.
But to people like you he’s a “hero”. It actually makes perfect sense that people such as yourself idolize mentally ill people. - 1 mo
also @NimbleOcelot you also proved my earlier point above with “understandable vs. acceptable.” Perfectly proved it.
- 1 mo
So in the end - it's because of women that men behave poorly. 😂 That was a hell of a long paragraph just to say that.
- 1 mo
@dovendyret did I ever justify sh*tty male behavior? Two things can be true at once:
1) Some guys are deviant and/or violent towards society and MOST guys are against that
2) A sizeable minority of women chase and sexually reward the above type of men. Women say their against violence but are secretly sexed by it (again Luigi Mangonie is perfect example).
So whose fault is that? Are women just that powerless over their backward and self destructive emotions? Not all of them. Definitely not all of them. But too many of them are like this. - 1 mo
1) You're right, most guys are good - and most women are just shit and make shit choices. It's not the fault of the men doing the shit they do - it's the women's fault in the end. Men are not responsible. It's the minority of women in the US doing what Americans do best: idolising the gun crazed.
2) Don't make some American culture shit into a gendered one dear. - 1 mo
@dovendyret did I ever say “most women are just shit and make shit choices.”? Specially the word “most”.
It’s sizeable minority of women who do this. Not the majority but again a SIZEABLE minority of them enable bad male behavior to the point that it’s very noticeable. - 1 mo
@blueonblack22 lol, many women then and few man are bat. Better?
A sensible "minority" of men are also the reason that MAJORITY of women have experiences shit behaviour from men. But that's not THEIR fault. - 1 mo
But you're right it's women's fault. Definitely. Agreed. - 1 mo
@dovendyret but i don’t expect you to get this. I think deep down a part of you understands what I am saying and it’s not what you want to hear.
So instead you want to quickly dismiss & disparage what I’m saying with atypical quick female emotional judgement. Like you accusing me of saying “most women are shit and male shit choices” when I never said that.
Also I highly doubt you understand the difference between understandable vs. acceptable. They are not the same thing. - Asker1 mo
@dovendyret that’s why I am not going to get married.
- 1 mo
@blueonblack22 as I said, you're right it's women's fault - not the mens doing what they're doing.
You're right, I do understand and agree - in the end it's always the fault of women, not men. Deep down, men are never responsible - always women.
It is understandable that women are at fault for mens actions not the men themselves. As said. Men are never at fault for anything. It's women. - 1 mo
PS: I don't think this is a GENDERED issue, as in SOCIETAL - as in our culture, history - norms and values of the past and now are at fault. This is a matter of how past generations and how WE are raised (this includes you and I). But YOU are not ready for that conversation because you are to busy blaming women for the actions of men - because you can't handle men being at fault for things. It must not be them - it must be women at fault. I just liked to poke at your immediate "IT'S WOMENS FAULT!" - Asker1 mo
@dovendyret nothing you can really do about a man’s bad behavior it’s not like you can start kicking him hard in his nuts everytime he acts out. The only thing you can do is not take them serious and not even give them any of your time if he shows you how much of a jackass he is.
- 1 mo
@dovendyret “ you are to busy blaming women for the actions of men”
Western women have more options, rights, opportunities (and privileges) than any time in human history. But are they actually HAPPY with how things are? Are they always making the right decisions with their new freedoms?
But you know what go ahead and either ignore, dismiss and/or disparage anything I’ve said above. You came into this conversation looking to be combative because you don’t agree with my POV.
Also whatever opinion I have doesn’t matter anyway. As a man I know that learned a long time ago that I am NOT special just “for existing”. Men are only valued for agency. What they can they do for the woman (looks, value, status) is only what matters. And in the case of “bad boys” it’s about fantasy, excitement and the adrenaline rush. That’s what they provide for women although it’s ultimately very self destructive.
I personally believe women need to stop being told they are poor, delicate “victims” by society when they voluntarily make bad decisions (e. g. dating abusive/toxic men). Instead they need to OWN UP to making a bad decision. They might have understandable reasons like mentioned earlier. But again understandable does NOT equal acceptable.
Again I’m sure you are going to either ignore, disparage and/or dismiss what I said above. But no worries I am used to it. But I think men just to walk away and let women eventually realize their own role in self destructive behavior. - 1 mo
@blueonblack22 lol, that we've "better opportunities and shit" now - doesn't dismiss the shit that goes on with "some have it worse" I'm actually quite happy with a LOT of things and there are things I'm UNHAPPY about - and that is ALRIGHT despite of the fact women used to be nothing but property.
And no your opinion actually matters little when you're so one sided "it's women's fault, they just need to stop doing, the have it good now"
I agree we need to stop looking at women as delicate nothings, that can do nothing and are supposed to be delicate submissive flowers. However that does NOT mean women are at fault for mens actions as you claim.
You know what, I learned that I was nothing special as a kid too - congrats, want a pity metal and play who is the biggest victim here: then I'm out. - 1 mo
@blueonblack22 it's funny how you think women should stop being viewed as victims and you play the "hurh hurh look at me, I had it tough not being treated as I'm special".
Again, I don't think this is GENDERED. And these mechanics that harm women also harm MEN. However those mechanics are NOT women's fault (nor is it mens) but again you're not ready for a conversation about it because you're to busy blaming women and playing the pity card. - 1 mo
Anon - I'm married to a wonderful man. I learned a long time ago that I can not control my environments actions: and this includes the actions of men. I can be wary of my surroundings, and be VERY careful of who I allow into my life. Because in the end - as you see it is women's fault when we're harmed by someone.
- Asker1 mo
@dovendyret yeah whatever
- 1 mo
He doesn't know how to fix it, because a normal person can't fix it the legal way. The only way to fix it is to take back control.
- 1 mo
@NimbleOcelot “ fix it is to take back control.”
Yes yes good ole mob justice. Lets “fix it” my murdering people. We can also “fix it” but rioting BLM style as well.
And sooner or later we can “fix it” by not only killing CEOs but by persecuting people (beating them up on the streets, vandalizing their homes, getting them fired from their jobs, censoring them, etc) that speak out against your bullshit.
And all the while people like you claim that “conservatives are a threat to democracy”. Yeah sure. Got ya bud. Sure. - 1 mo
Trump is threatening war with our allies and Gaza, and they are putting all the power into the control of the billionaires. We are on the path to an oligarchy reminiscent of Russia. Conservatives always talk about fighting for their country, but oddly, only if it's with the left or foreigners, and not the rich people murdering millions.
- 1 mo
I'm not saying we should start a civil war, but I am saying the rich have taken away all legal control away from the peasants.
- Asker1 mo
@NimbleOcelot rip it off no joking like your name is Hulk Hogan.
2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because Men are like Dogs..
Women Train Men like Dogs are Trained..
Since In generally It's a the Men Chasing women and not around..
If women Reward the wrong Kind of Men, Men's become trained to be Devilish..
In today world Women Reject and run away from Good Honest men..
But if He is Lying 🤥, manipulative piece of Shit.. women's Legs Spread open like a whore.. and Like Sheeps more and More Women chase the same Wrong Guys thinking if She is giving him PUSSY then he Must be Valuable.. 😂
Biggest IRONY is That majority Men's Moral Largely Depend on Sex, If women Lose Morality So do men.. i. e Devilish Behaviour inside men come outside..
The men that Choose not to become Immoral or Lie , manipulate or Cheat are left Virgins and Single..
Today's Women don't care how many people her men kills a Year if he is Making +1M $ .. She will shut her eye..
How he obtained it, matters less to women today then Instead of What he has to Offer.. This is The whole Root Call of Civilization Falling today..
The Holy BIBLES explained it BEST-
EVE did not Care about How Adam Gets the "Apple/Resources/money", Eve only Cared about that Adam Got the Apple..
Also ISLAM understands this Best that's Why they Keep women Oppressed, ensuring Moral is the Goal not Oppression.. So Men Stay on their Path and do not go Astray.. and Society stay intact.. the Core Reason why Islam is Growing..
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 mo
You need to make a distinction between having some responsibility for an outcome (agency) and having moral culpability for something (guilt).
Question 1: If you leave your car unlocked and your bag on the seat and you come back and your bag has been stolen, do you bear ANY responsibility for what happened?
Answer: YES! You do.
Question 2: Are you guilty of burglary? No! Of course not.
The moral onus is on the criminal. In this case whoever stole your bag. HOWEVER, you DO have some agency in this situation and you CAN learn from it (or better--from similar experiences that have happened to OTHER PEOPLE) in order to make it far less likely to happen to you in the future.
Most people are capable of understanding the distinction in the context of the problem I've laid out above. Those who can't are definitely beyond hope. But even those who DO understand what I just wrote above often find their frontal lobe shuts down when they apply the logic above to other forms of behavior.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Men and women are responsible for their own douchey, arrogant, illegal, manipulative, mean spirited, etc. behavior.
Men and women are also solely responsible for their own good, kind, warm, sweet, honest, gentle, etc. behavior.
Don’t let anyone try to spin this around because YOU are solely responsible for what kind of energy you bring to this world so, let it be positive, good, wonderful, and beautiful above all else and please try to be a good person & continue to be a good person.
10 Reply - 1 mo
I have no idea... IT STARTS AT HOME!
My mother had my little brother when she was 40. He is now 6 and I 26. In his early stages of mischievous behavior she blamed everyone; including me for his bad behavior instead of correcting him. Now she has a 6 year old monster and is asking me for help. I say good luck, he's Afro-Caribbean and he's also a boy so that's 2 targets on him. I told my mother us as Black women can only do so much until he gets a life lesson on why he better listen.
So yeah it 100% starts at home while they are little boys until they grow up to be "men"10 Reply - 1 mo
I don't think they are, but some people want pretend like sexism, racism, and just overall toxicity is a "response" to being mistreated in some way. Like no, if a woman says you're ugly and she doesn't want to date you, that doesn't mean you get to go after the entire gender or race. Also the whole "she cheated on me so I'm gonna break every girl's heart" act is so cheesy. The worst part is that I'm the one that pays for it. Most women I still talk to today admitted that they thought I would be a sexist womanizer the first time they met me because I "look the part" ☠️
10 Reply 692 opinions shared on Dating topic. I think that's a projection of youtube and tiktok. Also if you're talking about divorces and what not, both sides are going to blame each other for everything and everything if it gets nasty.(if one side doesn't have leverage)
You'd have to give specific examples, because it could be justified, and it could just be gaslighting. Like I got cheated on before, the first time was on her. When I took her back and she cheated again, that was on me for trusting a cheater.
I'm sure if the situation was reversed and I was a cheater I'd be gaslighting and making a power point about how it's all your fault I slipped and stuck my dick in Susie as well. And if you knew about previous cheating, it would be on you for thinking that trait would change.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
Women often blame men for their behaviors. "I only cheated because he was bad in bed or didn't give me enough attention." "He shouldn't have looked at that girl and I wouldn't have it him." Then there are the women who try to pin child support on men who aren't the father's, because they helped them out before. I'm not saying men don't do this, but rather that this is human behavior to blame someone else. I also want to point out that many men and many women do not do this, so it's often a result of the men or women you come into contact with, so maybe pay attention to who you interact with, and what draws you to them that you keep seeing the same kinds of people.
00 Reply 382 opinions shared on Dating topic. People behave differently according to what’s in front of them
In that sense we are all influential on the behavior we draw out in other people
But that’s not to say people get to say “you’re the reason Im this way with you”
It’s a false justification
Everyone makes their own choices in the end even when provoked they’re still to blame for actions done under provocation
That’s what being an adult is.00 Reply- 1 mo
"Look what you made me do!!" says the wife beater to his bloody sobbing spouse on the kitchen floor...
Everyone is responsible for their own behavior
10 Reply - 1 mo
Men have always projected their worst qualities onto women. Of course women get blamed for everything that’s “wrong” with them, like it’s not the patriarchy itself.
10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
it's the other way around. feminists have been pointing the finger at the patriarchy for decades despite the patriarchy doing everything women wanted from social media to sex work promotion, to affirmative action hires to birth control to abortions to no-fault divorce to legal paternity fraud to believing false MeToo accusations etc.
even that is considered men's fault for allowing it to exist in the first place
00 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. They're not. But women do need to be held accountable for their actions/decisions, such as false accusations, paternity fraud, needing the same jail sentences as men for the same crimes, meet the same standards for the same job, etc.
01 Reply- Asker1 mo
Adultery is look down upon when a woman commits it but when a man does it people don’t seem to care too much.
2.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Who says? That's not something a lot of people think or say.
412 Reply- Asker1 mo
It all started when Adam and Eve came along because Eve was the first one to eat from the forbidden tree. And that still happens today women getting blame for everything instead of a man regardless if she was the first one to commit the sin or not.
- 1 mo
"It all started when Adam and Eve came along because Eve was the first one to eat from the forbidden tree. And that still happens today women getting blame for everything instead of a man regardless if she was the first one to commit the sin or not."
Actually the Bible puts the responsibility on Adam since Eve was deceived and Adam wasn't.. - Asker1 mo
@Joshydavid25 well sir it is said that Eve will get punished by having to go birth. So what other way was God going to bring more humans on earth if it wasn’t for Eve eating the forbidden fruit? That’s why God made it where women have to carry a child in them because she ate the apple. If Adam would have aten the apple than women wouldn’t have to get pregnant and give birth.
- 1 mo
“I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, / In pain you will bring forth children…” Gen 3:16..
The punishment was that he would basically make birth a painful experience for the woman.. Adam ate the fruit as well, as it said that Eve just handed it to him.. But Eve was deceived into grandiose ideas the Serpent was selling her, she got greedy and wanted more power when she already had everything.. Adam knew she was being deceived and yet stood by and followed her lead.. He could've stopped it at any point.. Which is why the blame is put on him mostly..
- Asker1 mo
@Joshydavid25 I don’t ever have the desire to have children because if I’m going to get the shorter end of the stick then I’m not going to take the unfair deal.
- Asker1 mo
@Joshydavid25 I still feel that the one who has to give birth is the one who is punished because they are the one going through the pain.
- 1 mo
I don't think that stops many women from wanting kids throughout history.. I mean it's an honor for something as precious as life to be able to Come through you.. But, women didn't get the short end of the stick, just a different punishment.. I mean the fall of creation is blamed on men, and we know how that looks..
- Asker1 mo
@Joshydavid25 there are even a lot of single mothers in why they have to be the ones with the responsibility because they are the ones who carry the child. Men don’t give birth so they have more of an excuse on why they don’t have to raise a child especially if they got a woman pregnant out of wedlock.
- 1 mo
Yes and no. Men control what they do, but people in general are part of the overall development into those issues, because no one will give constructive criticism, and would rather insult or lash out and leave it to emotional driven guesswork for emotional maturing. Women end up assuming shit about men, guys do the same, both end up doing red flag bullshite, and the cycle repeats.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Of course not. They should be accountable for their own actions, not other people. Even if it's a man or woman, it is not another person to blame. We all have the control on our lives, no one else.
00 Reply 2.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. This is definitely the first I've heard of this... From where did this source originate?
21 Reply- Asker1 mo
It all started when Adam and Eve came along because Eve was the first one to eat from the forbidden tree. And that still happens today women getting blame for everything instead of a man regardless if she was the first one to commit the sin or not.
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. You have to remember everything men say is a projection lol so if a man is acting bad then he's gonna find some way pin it on a woman instead of owning up and bettering himself
00 Reply13.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Most men will shift the blame to women for almost everything. You hear about it happening in the real world, but you constantly read that nonsense online. Men rarely take any responsibility for problems they, themselves created.
00 Reply7.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. look at all the crazy stuff guys to to chase women. Do you think anybody would be doing this crazy shit if they didn;t have to?
10 ReplyIt’s just an excuse some weak minded incels and simps tell themselves to justify mistreating others, because of their victim mentality and sense of entitlement.
00 Reply2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. nope.
Behavior patterns are learned from early on.
Unless the person actually wants to change and works at changing themselves then this is what you ended up with.00 ReplyIt feels like this question is missing a lot of context.
03 Reply- Asker1 mo
You men know that you all have it easier than women do. You men don’t get in trouble for anything.
- Asker1 mo
It’s not crazy it happens to be true with the number of single mothers there are because the father doesn’t have to be responsible for the child because men don’t have babies. So it is the woman’s fault for committing sin on why she has to raise a child on her own.
- 1 mo
First, define what you mean by men's bad behavior?
10 Reply - 1 mo
That's actually far from the truth.. People definitely blame men's behavior on mem, and even women and children..
00 Reply No, individuals are to blame for their own bad behaviour.
20 Reply- 1 mo
They aren't, but gaslighting is a way of life now.
20 Reply - 1 mo
Because sometimes women make men behaves bad snd vice versa and sometimes a man and a woman can be bad themselves without blaming anyone for their negative actions!
00 Reply 503 opinions shared on Dating topic. Why are men blamed for women's bad behavior?
00 Reply11.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. They aren't, but men who behave badly often blame others. Classic narcissism.
00 Reply- 1 mo
Because little girls lie on boys, and try to manipulate them into being bad guys, and her an evil douchebag. She’s actually a bitch for that. Also, anybody that makes a man looks like a bad guy is a bitch.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Bad behavior is due to the person themselves.
If someone is a jackass it doesn't mean I have to act as one too.
00 Reply 581 opinions shared on Dating topic. I want to ask you what our bad behavior is and then I can debunk or explain why. But getting a reply on such questions is rare.
00 Reply- 1 mo
They aren't. But it's not by default the man's fault either, which is a theme women love for some reason.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Not necessarily women’s fault but a lot of men can’t control themselves around women and if you can’t control yourself around something the instinct is to put blame on it before yourself.
00 Reply - 1 mo
No men are to blame for their own behaviour
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
Because men don't behave badly - it's everyone else. They just do what they're allowed. According to men at least.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I think you got the genders swapped there.
men are blamed for everything, women and accountability are like oil and water.
00 Reply - 1 mo
No one is to blame for their own bad behavior except themselves if you're an adult.
00 Reply Because men don't want to admit they are assholes
10 Reply- 1 mo
Only an idiot can blame women for men's behaviour. Even if i do my best i can't change a Mans nature
00 Reply 5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Unfortunately, by their very nature women evoke a lot of bad behavior in what would be otherwise decent men.
00 ReplyOooh i get itt you mean that " the man's can't control themselves on the bed " ?
Actually that's right because if i love my woman soo much I can't really control myself with her 😂00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
Can we get an example because I'm almost certain men are blamed for everything.
22 Reply- Asker1 mo
It all started when Adam and Eve came along because Eve was the first one to eat from the forbidden tree. And that still happens today women getting blame for everything instead of a man regardless if she was the first one to commit the sin or not.
- Opinion Owner1 mo
I'm really trying to think of something women are blamed for (outside of people with a rapist mentality who victim blame) cause men are blamed for men's issues, women's issues, and pretty much anything bad I can think of.
- 1 mo
I didn't know they were to blame; any more than men are to blame for women's bad behavior.
00 Reply It’s easier to blame people than to take responsibility for our actions. Usually people blaming other people are very immature, run away from there.
10 ReplyNot the women's fault it's a dick that won't stay on any of them because of one volo
00 Reply- 1 mo
They aren't. Grown adults are responsible for their own 💩
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Women are design to aggravate and blame the guy for everything that happens. Even if it's not his fault. that's why guys have horrible behaviors
10 Reply - 1 mo
Most aren't. EVERY adult is responsible for their good and bad behaviour.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Same reason why men are to blame for women's bad behavior.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 mo
Why are men to blame for women's bad behavior and poor choices? Let's not be sexist here.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
You're going to have to be a lot more specific than that if you want any meaningful answers.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Example? Context? Anything to base this on?
00 Reply - Show More (12)
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