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They are either not relationship material or they are behaving as if they aren't. Guys looking for serious relationship material will avoid for the same reason we don't look for a good car at the junkyards. And before any women claim I am objectifying women: I will care about that when you stop dressing like strippers and hookers to get attention.
Not at all. They arre low quality immoral people. And if they think it is okay as long as they stop once in a relationship, would they date a serial killer as long as he stopped once in a relationship too?
I've never gone clubbing; I'd disappear into a corner and read until it was time to go home, probably. From what I've seen in movies it involves super loud music, flashing lights, alcohol, and kind of loosening up and bouncing around to the music? I don't even know how you could talk to anyone to get to know them beyond their appearance in an environment like that, but I'm sure there are some that do.
That's exactly what it is. I've been to clubs less than 10 times in my life (dragged along by peers) and the music is so loud you can barely hear people even if they yell and vice versa.
Guys buy drinks for girls, barely talk, dance with them (very intimately, even grinding), and everyone else is mostly just fist pumping to music.
There's no deep connections you can form with anyone at a club. It's just an energetic hot mess.
Every time I've been to a club, I've been one of the wallflowers, just drinking away while people all try to rub up on one another and get each other's numbers for some action later or a booty call.
Not my cup of tea. Never will be.
What kind of club did you go to?
@HawkPerception strip club of course
@HawkPerception Yeah, I figured it was like that. It doesn't seem like a good time to me. :D
Never wrnt to o the ravees music is way too loud
@Landofifireandice I can’t hear you
Anime con
It's like in the movies, except far less glamorous. The people are not generally attractive like in the movies, and the chance of sexual assault and violence is much higher.
@incorrected sexual assault? Really
@incorrected Well, there it is. I haven't missed anything! :D
@TheRealPepperPotts 🤷♀️💯
Yeah, you missed nothing. It's more like you avoided treading in dog 5hit lol.
The bouncers tend to filter you out if you're not hot enough bait to get guys in there spending money, the music is deliberately loud so that real interactions outside of drinking and trying to screw are impossible. They're just horrible places unless you're about 10% of guys or the kind of woman who seeks validation and attention. They're basically church for narcissists.
10% of guys get all the action, 90% of girls just get free drinks from guys they have no intention of doing anything with and are there purely for attention and validation that they're attractive. 90% of guys, when asked why they're bothering when they clearly get no action try to make out like they love "the music" and staring at girls... It's the stupidest nonsense I ever saw in my life lol. I went three times with different crowds, and once the bouncer refused me while letting the girl I was with in, but she turned around and came with me instead. I absolutely hated it.
@incorrected the bouncer let me in bc I work in the club
@incorrected Wow. That's pretty bad. I'm sorry you had that experience. :( From what I've seen in films I agree with your assessment.
It was lame, but I wouldn't count it as all that bad, it's par for the course really. My bad experiences were traumatic and gave me PTSD though, so my barometer for what counts as bad may be somewhat skewed lol. That's some active empathy you have going for you there though, and I hope I meet someone like that some day in 'real life'. Bless you, lady! :D
You want the real answer or the polite one?
Generally, guys and gals who consider clubs and other hookup joints their second home aren’t relationship material. Nothing about those places is conducive to more than a one-night stand. (And if you’re sitting there reading this and met your current SO in one? Good for you… you’re possibly an exception.)
You want a loud jam-packed meetup spot with singing, a steady stream of chatter and great food? Hit up a church on a Sunday morning oe a community center event and meet the future love of your life. (Amen.)
I go clubbing and I am relationship material so I'm gonna vote yes. But it's likely I'll have to stop clubbing when in a relationship. Which is OK as long as he takes me out places and we don't end up spending all our nights indoors in front of the tv!
I know a good few people gonna say no because they are misguided by preconceptions that clubbing women are promiscuous and drug addicts. Or drunks.
I'm not promiscuous at my club exactly because I don't want the rep that that's what I'm there for. I go to dance and I might flirt and touch but I'm single so - no harm. If I had a guy I wd love if he come too and I can dance but divert all my flirtatious energy all to him.
@CuteMommy haha your not past it!! Ur Luke 9 years younger than I am. And I was clubbing at 30 too.
Are u in a relationship? Or looking after little ones? I spent 8 years sitting at home but my kids are teens now. So I can have a lot of freedom again! It's amazing and great! I even go on my own then discovered that's better than when I do go with female friends lol.
@CuteMommy haha oh well go nuts if you can!!
I had an FB who was separated and we had great time. He was 27, me 44 at time. Now he's back with his girlfriend and we still messaging every day for over a year. He seriously regrets wasting his freedom moping instead of enjoying being with me more whilst we could. Now I'm just praying his girlfriend dumps him again.
@CuteMommy he is killing me! We didn't know eachother well back then. But we do now. He texted me we might be fucking again soon! I presume cos they were arguing. I was so happy! But empathy too. For him. But ugh.. his girlfriend won't let him go. Maybe cos she knows he's talking me. She don't even want him. All Christmas and new year she was out and he was home talking to me. I've said he can come move in with me if they break up! He said he liked knowing that. There's a kid involved which is why he don't wanna be the one to leave... it's very sad.
If you’re going to the club, that’s not a place to be looking for a relationship. And you can’t take people seriously in there. If you just turned 21, understandable; you wanna celebrate, go ahead. But mid 20s and up, what are your priorities in life? Cause I be seeing a lot of women regret the club scene because guys won’t take them serious about a relationship. If you out til 2 or 3 in the morning almost every weekend from the club with your friends; you showing guys you care more about the club life than taking life serious and look for a partner in life. And in a relationship; what you do reflects on your partner. As goes for them. If you clubbing acting a fool and sloppy, that’ll make you look bad but make your partner look even worse for having a sloppy partner. How you act & dress reflects on how people see you. That one time you got sloppy only once could destroy any chances you have of getting into a relationship. First impressions say a lot
Being a SIMP is expensive.
Santa Fe Klan, the new “golden SIMP”, met Maya Nazor at an after-party at his concert, one of those women who frequent the clubs every weekend.
She turned out to be a party animal, to no one's surprise.
Moral: women who like to party and drink are not good for forming a family.
And men like Santa Fe Klan, who want to be criminals and are into vices, are also not good for forming a family.
She complains that he is a bad man and, for that reason, she does not let him see her son.
However, she met him when he was a vice; she chose him.
She should not play the role of victim.
On the other hand, he complains that he pays a lot of alimony , but he was not chosen for being handsome or intelligent.
Conclusion: people who are in the club and the party are not good as a couple.
If women, girls find guys and men sleazy for picking up “chicks” at a bar or club, let’s stop with the double standard BS and give women and girls a free pass to behave indecent and dress half naked. Those types of environments are the last place I’d look for a genuine female who’s wifey material. It’s one thing to go to these places and she says “I went there 5 years ago and changed my life around” that’s different but if she still has that party life style, no thanks, I’m staying away from her.
i personally don't think so. it seems like they're there for nothing serious. just there to have some drinks, dress up, look pretty, and get with a guy. plus, they're likely like 21, so they want to experience things more than just be tied down in a relationship.
You should not think that all the girls who go to the club are bitches looking for sex, this is absolutely not true. Personally, I have been to the club with friends several times just to dance 🤘🔥 and drink a few cocktails (non-alcoholic bzw).
But I can't deny the fact that there are many girls who end their night in the club with a blowjob in the toilet or a ride home with an almost unknown guy...
Why would anyone want to go to a loud place where conversation consists of shouting at each other to be heard, jig about, drink too much booze and/or do drugs? It's a meat market. Men go because they want 'pussy', most of the time, and women go to get free drinks and validation and/or a quick sexual encounter with an attractive guy. These events are not really fun. Raves are more fun and there's more chance to actually get to know people, plus less violence. Clubs are awful.
It depends on the girl.. most girls go dressed in barely anything and like to dance with random guys who give them attention. Some are hoes who like to take guys home and some just like to dance and get validation. But from what I have personally seen I would say it is probably 70% are hoes but there is the 30% who just like dancing and being with their friends.
No, they go there so they can get close to guys and rub up against them with the excuse that "it's dancing", like when they get drunk so they can absolve themselves of responsibility in hooking up with random losers.
I would say "yes" depending. I used to club, but have been in a relationship for 5 years now and don't. I saw something the other day that said that people are much more likely to meet online in clubs these days. I think this is the time we are living in.
My ex wife was an active club goer. Being extremely gorgeous, she was also promiscuous yet careful to avoid STDs and pregnancy. She told I’d be that man who will tame her. After we married, she became a laser-focused entrepreneur yet managed to be an incredible well organized mother. So, yeah, there are girls who grow up and become amazingly good relationship partners.
I always knew that I shouldn’t ever deprive them of having all the fun they want. Eventually, they will get tired of it.
My current girlfriend may not have been an active clubber like my ex wife was but she’s a socialite who parties hard like there’s no tomorrow. And, I love it that she’s having fun. When she’s with me, she’s very devoted and intimate. It works.
depends how old they are , how often they go and why they go clubbing. a 19yo who goes out with her female friend group every now and then to party amongst themselves probably isn't a redflag, but a 26yo who goes multiple times a week to get grinded on, made out with, and get absolutely wasted with college students probably is
No, most girls are not relationship material, infact most people are not relationship material but if normal girl suitibility for Relationship is 30 out of 100, clubbing girls are 3 out of 100, there is a very slight chance that they might actually be just normal girl who how to not do something stupid or more likely a girl who is usually not into this stuff and only there for something unortodox for her like for her friends or such stuff.
It depends whether clubbing includes fukking like minks. If they do, they are permanently, irreversibly toxic. Once they reach a visitor list of 10, they will never suit a committed relationship or effective motherhood. Better to recruit offshore.
Here in Southern California for the last 20 years dance clubs are where douchebag guys go to rub their dicks on skeezer's asses.
That sounds accurate as hell to me
I really dated only one girl that was into clubs and bars. She was a bartender. Her whole life was drinking and partying. It was fun for a while but she really had a lot of issues.
Well if I’m single then I’m going out. if I’m in a relationship I’m still going out with friends but I’ll be loyal and you can go hang with your friends too. if you wanna leave me then I’m still going out. if you’re gone I’m still going out. I’m actually going out tonight 🤷🏽♀️
If its became a way of life and they are not interested in slowing down then why bother when it not in their objectives to be limited to one man. If they're having too much fun then your chance of a decent relationship is poor at best. Can't change an animals spots.
TBH, I won't say no, but I definitely won't say yeah.. If they frequent clubs though, it shows me that they need an excitement in their lives that a relationship might not sustain.. Unless clubs are just filling the void til they find that special somebody..
Why else would they be going there if it weren't to meet a possible boyfriend and have a relationship?
That's why I used to go to them and so did my friends.
WTH? How is going clubbing a guarantee that girls are not relationship material? What is worst, what about GUYS? This question needs to work both ways, or else it is pretty misogynistic to say the least.
I don't know but if they eat bread and drink coffee to breakfast, they are eternally cursed by evil darker than dark and a guys with limited worldview should even approach them.
Well nothing beats dirty dancing some babe that you just don't know , its great.
But , Id answer YES.
U will be surprised u can find girls wondering about the same thing about guys when they go to a club, this doesn't answer ur question but some girls don't go to a club for clubbing 👍🏻
girls who go clubbing go to be with their friends primarily you could meet them but it's not their trip necessarily
Having fun doesn't make someone unworthy of a relationship
Somehow based on your profile picture, that's exactly what I'd expect you to say
Are men who go clubbing relationship material?
That's not the question here. Let's focus on the question asked.
If someone asks "Are men likely to cheat in a relationship?" you don't answer with "Are women likely to cheat in a relationship?"
There is no double standard in the question. My personal opinion is neither women or men that go to clubs regularly are relationship material.
Just because a sex is mentioned in a specific question does not imply there's a double standard.
I'll bite: if you're referring to both sexes, best to update the question then. I am quite shocked at the opinions coming from this question frankly, terrifying.
Also, what do you mean by 'There is no double standard in the question. My personal opinion is neither women or men that go to clubs regularly are relationship material.'
@frenchgirl123 There is no need to update the question. I'm not referring to both sexes. I'm referring to women in this specific question.
If someone asks "Do men usually cheat after a year in a relationship?" or any question about men, you answer the question. It's not a double standard. The focus for this particular question is women.
They usually have more boyfriends than I do as a homebody lol
Yes. All guys interested in long term relationships should go to clubs looking for them. I will take the hit for the team and stick with church girls, librarians, and museum employees, etc.
I don't think it's a black/white situation. It depends. I like to party and go clubbing and I'm girlfriend material. I think girlfriend (or boyfriend) material can't be reduced to one single habit.
As long as she is loyal with me, doesn't cheat, doesn't show her nudes to anyone, loves solely me. I'm fine with that.
The drinkers, hell no.
Same with the smokers and vapers - uh uh 😕🛑
Ya gotta be realistic clubs are attention whore and hook up based spot's designed for folk's between the age's 18 and 24
Yes of course,; everyone needs to have some fun time to time, going to the club with friends to listen to music and and let loose is good for the mind and soul!
Yeah my sister goes out and I would say she’s got the qualities to be in a relationship
When 18-29 no after that gets weird especially if it’s everyday.
Clubbing doesn’t make a women not relationship worthy
Of course you should go clubbing to meet people and find your type of guy
Yes if they under 25 after if couple time a year no.
I only been to rave one time is wasn't for me. is very loud music. i had be to pubs to that has be very busy on cetin times of years.
I have never dated any girl outside of Church, Home economics class, or the library. I'm not looking to marry a useless whore
Girls who go clubbing are out their looking for a man.
No, most want to get fucked while drunk and then blame it on the alcohol
Heck yeah, I njoy clubbing and the dance makes me relax down the entire weeks frustrations
Clubbing seals? No. Nightclubs, sure why not
Isn't that how people used to meet anyway?
@MannMitAntworten I wouldn't know, I just got here xd
escort material
Yes, they are. :)
Guys go to clubs to find sluts.
They’re probably lots of fun.
Depends, but not usually
Yeah if they find the right man
Why wouldn't they be?
It depends on the individual.
Why not?
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