Nah, never would do that
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Well if being on one date is dating then yes I have. I’m not an intellectual nor do I collect Mensa scoring as part of the dating process but it’s also fair to say that if you show me that you have little to no logic or and there isn't much going on upstairs then there would be no future
Yes, she never went to college and worked as a bartender. She was really pretty and she was a lot of fun but her whole life was drinking and partying. She used to be able to stay out until two or three in the morning because she did not have to show up at work until one oclock and could sleep until noon.
She really was not too bright but she had a beautiful singing voice.
Been on dates with people who weren't very smart. One recently... My god... I don't know why I went on a second date with him...
@exitseven as to why I went on a second date? Not really I think after a couple weeks I misremembered him as funny. The second date just concluded he was just genuinely not very smart.
@Smashingdoozy sometimes dating somebody seems like a good idea until all of a sudden it is not. Its funny how that works.
Nope. They must be intelligent because that's a turn on for me.
Haven't we all dated at least one person who had less than a full deck?
My first boyfriend. Dude had to repeat the 8th grade 3 times 😭😩
Did he have any positive qualities though? Aka it's like a dumb blonde who makes up for it , - physically lol
@NicholasRedone he gave good dick. thats about it
@DizzyDesii thanks for this. that's like me saying I wanted a woman only for her tits or for her looks/eyes/pale skin dreamy lol 😆😆😂
@NicholasRedone i wanted him for more than that but he was only good at giving dick
Okay dokey then 😄
@DizzyDesii so for the short time the relationship lasted, who led, him or you? Or were you power behind the throne? Some women are like that, they let the man lead "however theyre really in charge th woman" lol 😆 or vice versa. The man doesn't lead but is really in charge lol 😆
Or who took turns riding 🤠 yee haw even 😆 saucy
@NicholasRedone we were together many years. I was dominant on occasion outside the bedroom. He was dominant in both, mainly the bedroom. Relationship overall was bad though. Rather not go into it
@DizzyDesii and in an ideal world with a genie, 😁💕 in a more perfected way, he's the first guy you'd wish the genie for "he was the man of my dreams, minus his shortcomings to do away with this second time around" lol genie lamp 🪔 ah well 🔮 magic. Lol. Anyways personally in my lifetime I've come across a fair few hot women, however they always ended up as Miranda says played by Meryl, "a disappointment" lol 😆 or had bad habits 😔 you know or differences. They looked hot, sounded hot - and the. A deal-breaker like "and they ate sushi, sigh" over pasta 😧😁
Ah wells 🤕❤️🔥🙃
A man can always daydream of an ideal woman, the way a woman can dream for a prince 👑
No, and I wouldn't. I just can't find myself attracted to them
I have, and even though she was cute and nice, there was only sex and no meeting of the minds. Not for me.
Most were average but that wasn't a problem unless she pretended to be smart... please don't try like that ugh.
I prefer to be the dumbest person in my relationship
Ohhhhh HELL yeah ! I certainly have , so very very stupid..
Nope. Both guys I have dated were/are intelligent.
Nope, never.
But I never dated anyone, still single and a virgin.
If a girl is my type, I would date her, regardless of her intelligence.
Myself and my ideal woman are likely the same idiot savant type of left handed, proudly i state 👿♀️👀😋😋
She's also gotta be humble and content with her place 😜😄
Hmm honestly no all the women I dated were actually pretty smart
I live in Thailand
of course I did.
lmao everyone here is gonna think they themselves are smart
Yes and I didn’t figure it out til later with 3 of them , one guy I put up with it cuz he was hot with an accent.
No but I would like to, as long as they are subservient to me lol,,,
No one where it was a big issue. I'd be totally fine dating a not-so-smart girl though. I kinda doesn't matter too much..
They just got to suck it and thats it to get me hard than i put it in them
I tend to be attracted to smart men.
Apparently lots of them as they let me get away!
Uh no. Wit was the attraction.
Yeah, a couple. One WAS a blonde.
Yes, they cheated on me.
I can’t do that no way
That would make me smarter than him
No, I would never my family would unalive me
Not knowingly.
No lol people have standards
Haha. Is this a trick question?
Always 😢