I never understood why some people are so focused on height like it's an obsession. My boyfriend is 6'4'' tall and I like when he picks me up but I personally don't have a height preference, I have been with guys of varying heights. My first boyfriend ever was 5'5'' or something like that.
- 7 d
Even if you’re 7 foot if someone’s only into you over something you can’t control. Is that person worth being with? Not everyone’s superficial.
But some people become that way because everyone’s born a authentic human being but some people choose to live a life of disingenuity throwing that away. Until eventually they just loose the person they once were.
Not everyone is going to feel attracted to you and that’s okay. Because you need to find who genuinely likes you obviously someone with a height fetish isn’t going to be your type.
20 Reply
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- 7 d
I'm "just" 156cm tall and I never made it an issue not it has ever been an issue. Almost all the women I have been with were taller than me (my wife is 175cm tall) and while I admit I would like to pick up my wife like your boyfriend does, I am fine nonetheless.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
2.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because most people have their own preferences of what they like and don’t like , some people are very strict with their preferences and will only date someone that matches their preferences. Height has never really been a set preference to me but to some girls’ it’s like the most important thing. I use to have a crush on a girl that was 1 inch taller then me , I am 6 foot and she was 6’1, she wouldn’t date me because I was shorter than her but liked everything else about me. I told her her preferences are way to strict
00 ReplyIt is like anything, “why are symmetrical features important for dating” or “why is physical fitness important for dating”, it is all just what the people involved prefer and there are common preferences on these things including height that is all. It does not need to matter to you or anybody as individuals. JMO!
00 Reply- 6 d
It is to some and not as much for others. As for myself, it's not a dealbreaker, but I'd PREFER a girl that's shorter than me. If you have 2 girls that are the same level in every other category, I'd prefer to get with the smaller one. I would date a girl taller than me though, provided she's feminine and matches me in compatibility (similar interests, views, sense of humor, sexual desires, etc.)
00 Reply - 5 d
Because women think about the future like taking photos and showing their man off so doesn't matter if they are a serial killer as long as they are tall and look good next to them.
00 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. The average height for a woman in the U. S. is around 5'4". That means that the majority are in that range, plus or minus a few inches. I guess I always liked that aspect of sexual dimorphism.
I think short or average size makes a woman extra cute. And cute, to me, is more attractive than beautiful.
Also, their fearlessness when standing toe to toe with a man who is much taller, stronger and heavier is admirable.
I'm 6'2". All my girlfriends happened to fall within the average range. The tallest was close to 5'7" and the shortest was 5'1". My wife is 5'5".
I love my wife for many, many reasons. She's great. We've been happily married for over 28 years.
But I have to admit that the best sex I ever had was with the woman who was 5'1". I'll never forget the two years we lived together because she was hypersexual and orgasmic. Her looks were also my idea of the feminine ideal.
Because of her height and weight, I could easily pick her up, lift her up and down, position her, and do things that are not possible with larger girls.
So that is an advantage that I discovered about petite women.
I never dated anyone I wasn't physically attracted to. But height was the least of my considerations. I would have dated a taller woman if I met one I was attracted to. I've seen lots of incredibly attractive women that I was not in a position to date.
And attraction goes beyond looks, too.21 Reply- 6 d
Please explain her hypersexual behaviour. I am just curious...
- 6 d
I think it’s because height plays into the “dominance vs submission” thing. Some women like taller men because they like dominant men. Of course height really has nothing to do with being a dominant person but it just adds to that factor.
that’s also why men seem to be intimidated by women who are taller than them. They don’t like “looking up” to women. It almost emasculates them in a way.
me personally, I’m gay. So the whole “men have to be taller than the women!” Thing doesn’t apply to my personal relationships. But I’ve still always find myself attracted to men who are taller than me. (Well I’m also very short so nearly every man is taller than me to begin with lol) I like to be the more submissive one so I’ve always liked tall guys. I like to hug them and feel all small and look up at them.
there was one time I met up with a guy I talked to online and he was the same height, if not even shorter than me, and I couldn’t do it lmaoooo. We looked like a couple of Oompa Loompas together.
I don’t have an outrageous height requirement, I don’t need a man who’s 6’3. As long as you’re a few inches taller than me, we’re good. And like I said, I’m very short so that’s not a ridiculous request10 Reply - 6 d
You make it sound as if it is a conscious decision.
Why do you like one color and another person likes another color. There must be some nefarious plot behind their choice!
There's such a thing as natural instinct. And women have a natural instinct to be with a man who can protect them because that's what men were designed to do by nature and millions of years of evolution.
So it stands to reason that a bigger man fits that instinct and therefore is generally more attractive to females.
Does that mean that every single female has a hard requirement that a man has to be taller than she is in order for her to be interested in him? Of course not. No instincts are absolute. They are just proclivities. They also have other instincts that make men attractive such as his intelligence level. So it's possible that they could prioritize one or more of those other instincts over his height.
But in general women are attracted to men who are taller and older than they are because it makes them feel more naturally protected.
12 Reply- 6 d
Except the fetish of "must be 6' or taller" is exclusively American, because it's been driven into women's brains by the media (not just Hollywood, but books, magazines, talk shows, etc.) since the late 60s. Women wanting a man taller than her has existed for thousands of years or more, but the 6' requirement is recent and not found in other countries.
The one other place you get this is Scandinavia, particularly Sweden, but there, tall PEOPLE (women included) are what is seen as desirable, and that was also driven by local media. And there's no 6' threshold because of course they use the metric system. - 6 d
I think most women would be fine with a 6 foot man when he is lying down even if he isn't 6 foot standing up. 🙂
Omg, height just hits different when it comes to dating! It’s not even about logic, it’s about the feeling. Like, imagine being wrapped up in a tall guy’s arms, feeling all tiny and protected! ugh, dreamy! And heels? Girl, I wanna wear my cutest stilettos without worrying about towering over him.
Also, there’s just something about a guy being taller that makes everything feel more romantic. The forehead kisses, the way you have to tilt your head up to look into his eyes, it’s straight out of a movie! Not saying short kings don’t deserve love (they totally do!!), but there’s just something about a tall guy that makes a girl’s heart flutter ~ ♥️
22 ReplyAverage height for an American male is 5’9, there’s less then 15% of men around the world who are above 6ft. That’s like me looking for a girl with DD boobs who’s 5’4/130 pounds.
It’s important to me because I don’t like tall men. Nothing wrong with them apart from their height. It isn’t for me. That’s my preference. I prefer men who are between 5’6-5’9 ideally because I’m only 5ft. So dating a really tall guy is not something I’m looking for.
20 Reply5K opinions shared on Dating topic. People are subconsciously attracted to certain genetics. Most guys like wide hips subconsciously because they are good for birthing. 20,000 years ago when societal violence was more common a 6'4 male would have a huge advantage in a fight over a 5'8 guy. Basically a tall guy can subconsciously signal safety or danger.
11 Reply- 6 d
I'm taller than my boyfriend, but I don't mind. He can pick me up no problem, still puts me in my place and is a very respectable man. Height is something people are born with, it does not make him the amazing partner he is.
44 Reply- 6 d
@Ms_Facesitter why does your boyfriend put you in your place or what do you mean by?
- 6 d
@NicholasRedone I act up sometimes, family stuff getting me worked up.
- 6 d
I don't know too many who are "obsessed" with height. But we all have our preferences. It just works out since the majority of women want guys to be taller, and the majority of guys want the woman shorter. Being 6' 3", I have never had an issue as I have only come across one woman that I wanted to date (but never did) who was even close to my height.
00 Reply - 6 d
My wife is 4'11"tall I was at the time of our wedding 6' tall, When we were dating and slow danced, her head was on my chest. She had to stand on two Coca-Cola crates to kiss me goodnight. If we tried to position our bodies C. A. T. , her nose was located near my zyphoid. I've never made love to a woman my own size. What it is like to penetrate a female and kiss her lips at the same time? Beats me. We have been married 54 years. Love conquers all.
00 Reply - 6 d
because men needed reasons for insecurities, too... so they chose length and height... :D
I'm 5'1... it's a feat to be shorter than me :D so, literally, every man is tall for me :D30 Reply - 6 d
I think it’s personal preference. I’m 5’5 and my boyfriend is almost 7. Mostly i date tall guys but it’s not because i look for them, it’s only because mostly tall guys who hit on me.
20 Reply - 7 d
It more has to do with avoiding men with little man syndrome. Any man under 6’0 is liable to have it and I just don’t want to have coddle that insecurity on top of everything else. I get tired of it.
23 ReplyMan, you must have the longest legs on earth for jumping to conclusions like that lol
For me I like women who are between 5' & 5'-5". Women that height I get this strong feeling of sexually dominating them, which they all seem to love. But also, I can do things sexually to a woman of short stature I can't do w/ a woman who is my height or taller. For instance I can easily pick them up against the wall and thrust deep into them. Or pick them upside down and do a standing 69. With taller women that's difficult to do.
00 Reply- 6 d
Its not.
What you are seeing is a very tiny group of women who have a daddy/daughter fetish, coupled with an even smaller group of unusually tall women who are insecure about being that tall.
Most people in general either prefer a person who is the same height as them, give or take a few inches, or even more commonly, they have no height preference at all.01 Reply- 6 d
By daddy/daughter fetish, I'm referring to women who feel the need to be protected, funded, and babied by their boyfriend/husband, rather than growing up and being the guy's equal in the relationship.
- Anonymous(18-24)6 d
I actually find it unattractive when a man is too tall. I would prefer an average height man of around 180cm. Here is Europe 180cm is about average.
40 Reply - 6 d
Your boyfriend is in the top 0.5% in height and you’re wondering why people are so concerned about height. That would be like someone who make $550,000/yr asking why people are so worried about money and that money doesn’t matter to them.
20 Reply 593 opinions shared on Dating topic. One hypothesis is that taller men were (are) able to help women pick berries/fruits from trees/bushes that were too tall for them but also too fragile for climbing.
Of course nowadays they can get that stuff from the store but their subconscious doesn't know it.
00 Reply13.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. It is not. Just because a few men use it as an excuse for their failures with women doesn't make it a fact.
30 Reply- 6 d
Unlike many women, you'll date a tall or short man if he pleases you. Height is usually important for women because they generally want a taller man, while we lads desire a shorter lady because many of us feel a tall woman may not appear feminine and/or may physically and psychologically dwarf us.
00 Reply 4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. It isn't really. Taller people are not superior to shorter people in any way. If a guy with one hand can be a MLB pitcher, I can play in the NBA being 5'4". So, the reason why girls generally prefer taller guys is illusionary. The belief is that a bigger guy can and will protect them better than a shorter guy, but that ability is illusionary.
00 ReplyI think it’s just personal preference. I like tall women, but I also like petite women.
10 Reply- 6 d
because for women, hight is the most significant attractiveness marker in men. just like it's bust size for men in women.
10 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. It makes no sense why some people would not date someone they like over anything physical.
10 Reply1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I would suggest its all down to reproduction attraction , hence the obsession with height in general.
00 Reply- 6 d
People have different preferences.
Most women like taller guys, but not necessarily all women.
00 Reply 382 opinions shared on Dating topic. Its less about the height and more about the short mentality.
Short guys often are defeatists and self loathing.
No one likes that00 ReplyA man’s height has never mattered to me. Plus, I’m pretty petite so basically, any guy I end up with will be taller. 😅
00 ReplyAsk yourself, why was your first boyfriend 5'5 and your current boyfriend is 6'4
The 5'5 didn't satisfy you it seems
02 ReplyI guess for guys if they're around 6 feet even or close to it, it helps build confidence where being too tall or too short can be awkward at times.
00 Reply- 6 d
women preferring height over everything else is a very primal instinct to choose a partner that might be more capable in fighting predatory animals. So in other words, women who prefer tall guys are more animalistic haha
00 Reply - 6 d
Girls feel protected by taller guys but I agree with you
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)6 d
It's not that important, but I like tall girls cause they look more dominant.
10 Reply 4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Men are 5 inches tall than women on average, so tallness is a masculine trait.
00 Reply- 5 d
I never knew it was an issue. If you liked the guy or gal you dated them and size didn't matter.
00 Reply It is important because most women will not date a man who is not taller than her.
00 Reply- 6 d
girls like to feel small
guys like to feel big
boom00 Reply 340 opinions shared on Dating topic. I don't like towering over my partner. It's always made me feel uncomfortable. It's not an automatic deal breaker if she is short, but I definitely rather she be about my height or taller.
00 Reply- 6 d
Imagine a bigger guy trying to abuse you. You want someone bigger and stronger to protect you. That’s one aspect of it. It also makes me feel more feminine realising I can’t do it alone
00 Reply - 6 d
It’s mostly women that are picky about height from my experience not men, I’m 5’10” and I’ve been with 5’3” to 5’8” women, my girlfriend is 5’3” which is nice
00 Reply - 5 d
The only time I care about height is reaching for items
00 Reply - 6 d
I think it is biological... a sense they can protect.
00 Reply - 6 d
Why do we put value in diamonds and gold? Some things are arbitrary
00 Reply - 6 d
I'm fine with either way..
Even I can date or marry a girl much taller than me. I don't see any problem with it
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)7 d
But you like getting picked up by him - so basically you have touched on the reasons why a woman would want a bigger man than themselves - they want to be delicate status on pedestals lol literally pick me up like a statue says a lady lol
00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I am sure that everyone has a preference for their mates height. I would say that there are other deciding factors that enter into a life long relationship other than height.
00 Reply- 6 d
For some reason, women prefer to be "shorter" because I guess it makes them feel "protected". I don't see how, but, it is what it is
00 Reply 753 opinions shared on Dating topic. I'm not sure. I'm 5'7 and I have had no issues dating.
11 Reply- 6 d
It's not really important at all in the grand scheme of things.. It's just a preference..
00 Reply 5.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because women have a height fetish and if they date someone short their girlfriends will disapprove.
00 Reply2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because we have gone from content of character to choosing the color of the car instead of what is under the hood.
00 ReplyI don't know but hope it don't matter to much 😅😑
00 Reply1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because women are very image conscious and vain
00 ReplyI think it’s society this is who obsessed with this.
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)7 d
I think being a short man to a woman is kind of like being a FAT woman to a guy.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)6 d
i assume your boyfriend was the one who asked you out and hit on you
04 Reply- Opinion Owner6 d
oh, did you as a woman, make the first move on him?
- Opinion Owner6 d
well thats awesome and very admirable of you, at the same time, i made that comment because of my lifelong hatred on how its normally the guy
- 6 d
If you are a tall, dark-haired guy, it is easier for you, but it is not something necessary.
00 Reply - Show More (10)
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