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391 opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes definitely eventually. If I ask for space it's purely because of the fact that I'm frustrated and when I'm frustrated their is nothing anyone can do to make it better unless they just leave me alone for a couple of hours/days.
Being alone makes me able to relieve myself of my emotions and it makes me calm again. Only when I'm calm and peaceful I'm able to make decisions which I won't regret later on.
Being a woman I can't expect you to think from a guys perspective but I can try to teach you how a guy is behaving when he is frustrated by giving you a example about myself being frustrated
When I'm frustrated their is literally nothing anyone can say to me which makes me feel more calm and relaxed. I'm totally not capable of being reasonable when I'm frustrated, in fact I'm the exact opposite when I'm angry...
Everything that you will try to tell me to make me feel less frustrated can only make me more frustrated. So what that means is that there is nothing you can say to me that makes me more peaceful but everything you say can trigger me building up more frustration.
It's something I desperately try to gain control over in order to be able to change myself to improve my relationship and trying to avoid confrontations but so far nothing has worked out other then taking distance from the situation to be able to calm down in a way that I'm reasonable again.
The only reason why I would ask my girlfriend to back down and leave me alone is because I know things will spiral out of control when I'm not given the space that I need to be able to calm down enough that I'm reasonable again.
But one of my exes who had a problem with me asking for my own private space told me that she felt the exact opposite of what I feel. She told me that she couldn't find peace untill we sorter our problems out which pushed her into entering my personal space while I specifically told her not to.
This eventually cost us our relationship but who is to blame is both parties feel the exact opposite of eachother while their goal was the same in the end. We both tried to resolve something but it only spiraled out of control because we didn't manage find common ground togehrer00 Reply
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1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. I haven't had that problem in a very long time but if I had sat her down and explained things several times and she was still not able to deal with it, then it's likely that I would end things, yes. I would be patient and would communicate with her, but at some point she would be either to emotionally immature to handle it or she would be just trying to manipulate me into getting her way, neither of which would work out.
I *want* to spend most of my free time with my girlfriend, but I do run a business and I have to get things done, and sometimes that does intrude upon relationship time. I work hard to avoid that, but I can't always avoid it.
Thankfully my girlfriend is emotionally mature about that, and is used to how small businesses work (she works for one) so I rarely have that kind of problem. Part of that was due to thorough vetting - which is the same reason I did have problems in my early 20s, when I didn't vet women nearly as much. That was a mistake, and came with painful lessons.00 Reply
What Guys Said
- 9 d
That answer is pretty simple yes people should respect personal space. A lot of times though if I’m needing space most of the time I would have broken up
00 Reply - 10 d
Not necessarily. Women do their best in the way they know how. Usually by releasing those feelings with their friends/confidante/partner. So they assume that it works for their partner as well. Men operate a little differently where he has to collect himself first or mull it over for a little bit. Then they'll seek out their friends/confidante/partner if they find no resolution in their thoughts. Men also has moments of decompression where they can't process emotions through talking. They have to do something then let it out a little bit at a time then go back to doing something and repeat. They usually do this with friends over games or sports.
But there is a line if she won't take no for an answer and staunchly refuses to give some space. Unless the man is at risk doing ill things to himself or others, give him some time. Feel free to check on him a few times. Just don't expect that he's going to be ready to talk about it immediately after checking in.10 Reply - 10 d
I dont know is the honest answer , there are a few variables to consider but my gut response is likely that I’d just never ask for space. I generally trust my instincts and I feel that I know myself really well. I think quickly with my head & gut , not with my heart in relationships. If the relationship isn’t working I know that quickly and just end it … no space or time needed to consider it. I feel that some is used to let people down gently preparing them for the looming end of the relationship generally speaking.
00 Reply - 9 d
as an introvert space is important to me and thats a basic not space itself but if i ask for something i mean it now if its something like money then yea no but if its space or emotional support and your not there or always there how can i expect you will respect other boundries i set and thats not to say i won't ever be ready to talk but mabie just not at that moment
00 Reply 412 opinions shared on Dating topic. I don’t think I’ve had someone cling too hard on me.
I generally like the attention so I don’t particularly mind it
One girl though I dated for a short period basically wanted sex 24/7 and I was a student who had exams I was forced to turn her away
I know that sounds like looking a gift horse in the mouth but after we had sex in every corner of the dorm room there wasn’t much I could do for her00 Reply1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. The most likely reason I would leave someone is if she was dishonest with me, unfair, didn't trust me, selfish/greedy, got tattoos, or became friends with people that I tell her would damage the relationship.
10 Reply- 9 d
Depends on how invasive she got, but I probably would, yes.
If I get to the point that I'm telling you I need space, it's because I NEED space.
10 Reply - 9 d
I just fuck them when they won't go away.
00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes , I think absolutely anyone would , it's not a prison sentence, and over the years broken up for this reason on multiple occasions.
No Space = obsession.00 Reply- 10 d
There’s not enough information here to accurately answer that question. Is the boyfriend directly asking for space? For how long? Or to do what? Is the girlfriend saying no to him having space regularly? Occasionally? Has the boyfriend cheated previously and now the girlfriend is afraid it will happen again? Is the girlfriend controlling in other areas, like telling boyfriend where he can/can’t go, can/can’t hang out with…etc.
00 Reply - 10 d
A breathtaking relationship becomes obsessive
00 Reply 11.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Excessively clingy, doesn't want me to do anything by myself? That's a deal breaker.
00 Reply- 9 d
Have multiple times. If she can't put someone's needs above her own... she's out
00 Reply No, I will try to work on it with her first. But sometimes, guys need a breather.
00 Reply- 10 d
Yes especially when I need to think if she up my butt.
00 Reply - 10 d
Overtime we might breakup if things don’t change
00 Reply 1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yes. Don't pester me.
00 Reply13.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Absolutely
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)10 d
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