In my mid 30's and still single. I swear I am cursed or something?

I am 34 years old. Never been married, and childless. Not overweight and do get told I am attractive every now and then.

It has been 3 years since I was in a relationship. I have dated a couple of times since then but the guys I meet never want anything serious lately.

I have probably been in 4 serious relationships and dated a few people. Maybe I don't put myself out there as much as I should.

I am not desperate to find anyone but feel like I never will. I do enjoy the freedom of being single.

It feels good not having to depend on anyone, not having to back answer to anyone, doing what I want when I want but it does get pretty lonely from time to time.

I have read articles on what a guy wants in a girlfriend online out of curiosity, I see qualities I have on there. Yet. Still single. I just get frustrated reading those because I feel like it is all BS when I read it.

I am a bit of a homebody and do like staying home a lot. Still do go out a fair bit though and out with my friends.

Every other aspect in my life is fine. Just have the worst luck when it comes to love.

A friend tried to set me up with a guy who was also in his 30's Apparently he was looking to settle down. The problem was we had never met. It was going to be a blind date.

He did send a text. Asked me out but he never followed through. I thought that was really rude and felt like I was being fed BS with that as well.

We had sent texts a couple of times. Him always initiating. Then nothing. A few weeks later I sent a text saying hello and if he was still interested in catching up let me know. He replied, still never asked me out and got nothing back. Have not sent a text since then. Thought there was really no point. Shrugs.

This is what I mean in worst luck ever. Can't even organise a blind date together. That was really discouraging. Just keep thinking things would have motivated him more, if we had met in person first.

Plus keep meeting guys who only want sex. Nothing serious.

Should try online dating again I guess. Any other suggestions?
In my mid 30's and still single. I swear I am cursed or something?
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