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+1 y

I'll bet I can guess your zodiac sign?

I’m high key curious if you can get me👀 Other

+1 y

Should there be any privacy in a relationship?

Yes. Without privacy humans can’t properly live. Privacy does not mean lying. Relationships

+1 y

What do you think about the people that are post a black screen Instagram to show they care?

I actually complained about this on my story. people all the sudden act like they care even tho they said nothing before lmao. It’s all appearances, “everybody does it so I will too”. Sheeple. Society & Politics

+1 y

Would you girls break up with your boyfriend if he games a lot?

That really depends. Is gaming pretty much the only hobby he has? Does he game for 2+ hours every day? Or does he just have “game days” where he games for like 5 hours at a time Relationships

+1 y

Black lives matter or all lives matter?

If you’re talking about those who have it the worst, and you feel the need to tell them other people have struggles too, you’re an asshole. Mostly guys say shit like this. Same goes for gender... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why do black people call themselves African-Americans?

I dunno either. I’ve once had someone correct me when I spoke of black people.. I live in the Netherlands, Europe. There are no “african americans” here because we’re dutch 😂. Imagine how dumb... Society & Politics

+1 y

What is the worst baby name you have come across?

I have too many. Djaylinn Djayvano (They’re siblings) Djayce Denalio These are all in my family. I don’t know why people want the names to start with a d so badly. Family & Friends

+1 y

Why are blonde girls seen as stupid people? Why does this stereotype exist?

Tbh I just think it has to do with the western ideal. Blonde people are considered highly attractive and you can’t be attractive and smart, is what people think. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why do a lot of girls invest so much time/money into makeup?

What’s the model’s @? A lot of models pretend they don’t wear any makeup but they do. It’s also very possible people can’t afford that type of skincare. Makeup may seem expensive but a €50 palette... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

How old were you when you went on your first date?

6! And it was basically our moms pimping us out loool. First “real” date I was 14. Dating

+1 y

Should I cheat on useless BF?

Uh, no? Wtf girl, that’s hella toxic. Get your shit together and act your age. Just break it off. Relationships

+1 y

Is there such thing as "right person wrong time"?

Yes, but I also believe if you really feel they’re right for you and want to marry them, you’ll make that happen. It can be the wrong time but the wrong time also means lack of effort.... Relationships

+1 y

Do you think guys under 25 are immature and not ready to commit?

I’ve yet to find one that is ready for all that stuff. Men have the luxury of being able to wait longer to have kids, their bodies can produce children longer than women’s. And they’re not raised... Relationships

+1 y

What is your favorite virus/pandemic movie?

Omg, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE! I literally bought it on itunes just a few days before quarantine and have watched it 7 times since. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

A child rips up their allowance because they're not happy with the amount. If this was your child, what would you do?

No more allowance, take away their toys, and let them sit in their bare room and think about how ungrateful they just acted. Then I’d have a talk with them about other kids and that a lot of kids... Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you believe you’ll find love one day?

Love can be made, too. Many people seem to forget love is a conscious effort and not just finding “the one” and that’s that. You will find someone you like and have to work with them to live a... Relationships

+1 y

Is emotionally cheating the same, better or worse than physically cheating?

I still don’t get what people mean with emotional cheating? Since when is cheating something non physical lol? You’ve cheated if you actively pursue someone else and the end goal is/was having... Relationships

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