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+1 y

Why does my girlfriend's past bother me so much?

Honestly it seems like your issues are: -misogynism -problems with sex/sexuality You don’t like your girlfriends’ past because you don’t feel it’s right for women (or maybe people in... Relationships

+1 y

Why do you fear REJECTION?

I don’t. Rejection is just a part of life. If you fear it, you will never get anywhere. Growth is not obtained within your comfort zone. Dating

+1 y

What does it mean if a guy doesn't put a label on your relationship?

In this case, when someone doesn’t know how to introduce you, they either: 1. Don’t see you as close which they think come across as rude. 2. Don’t want to label the relationship to keep all... Dating

+1 y

Do you believe in "young love"?

That’s not young love that’s puppy love. It’s the first time you start loving romantically, and thus you’ll feel like you know love now, you’ve found something you did not know before and are... Dating

+1 y

Do women take care of men as much as men take care of women?

Traditionally, men and women take care of each other differently. Men tend to be shaped into the role of financial care, protection, etc. while women tend to be shaped into nurturing, child... Relationships

+1 y

Do girl's want nice guys?

A Nice Guy is not the same as a nice guy. You should look into it. Nice Guys think they’re entitled to a girls attention/love/sex because they’re nice: ie they’re not really nice they just want... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

My friend is making fun of my job and it really hurts me? What should I do?

Life’s too short to be friends with mean people. Tell him to quit it or you’re through. Education & Career

+1 y

Are there any topics that you believe people should never joke about?

Individuals that aren’t your friends or famous shouldn’t be joked about. I also think some jokes just take it too far/aren’t really jokes anymore. Other than that, no subject is off limits in my... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Why do women wear obviously sexually-implied/intentioned clothing and then lash out when they receive unwanted attention, labels, and behavior?

Because not everyone dresses up that way for others. They like that type of clothing, they want to wear it. Doesn’t mean they like to be labelled. Duh. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Are you shocked when someone much older/younger than you rejects you because of your age?

I’m not shocked. I sometimes dislike it because they tend to be 40+, and right now I’m just dating up to 30 MAX. Age isn’t that much of a deal to me, but I couldn’t date someone if the age... Flirting

+1 y

Does every sport really need to be separated by gender?

I think it totally depends on the sport. Men still tend to be physically stronger so a sport that really relies on that wouldn’t really work. Sports

+1 y

Would you date someone who needs constant affection?

Depends on how healthy it is for both of us and if they’re actively working on their issues or not Dating

+1 y

Would you give up all social media for your partner/SO?

Nah. I don’t believe social media is to blame, I think the lack of good communication is to blame. If someone’s constantly on social media, I wouldn’t want to be with them anyways. If they started... Relationships

+1 y

How can I befriend someone I've never spoken to for the whole of our high school life without coming off as a creep?

Tbh I would message her and try to get a convo going. Just tell her you kinda regret not talking to her more in high school and are really curious to see what she’s up to. See how she responds to... Family & Friends

+1 y

It's been over a week and my boyfriend is still ignoring me after a fight even on my birthday? Is this really just jealousy?

Tbh this would be a massive dealbreaker for me and I would break up immediately. He’s not a child. If he can’t speak to you because of something so unimportant that doesn’t mean he’s jealous, it... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

True or False: nice guys/girls finish last?

Stating “nice girls/boys” are a thing and not just toxic people is wrong in my opinion. Generally, if people feel the need to state that they’re nice, they’re not nice. Relationships

+1 y

Would you rather your partner be a loner or should they have a lot of friends AND WHY?

Lots of friends, because that doesn’t mean they’re all meaningful to him and he wants to see all 1-2 times a week. It just means he will be invited to a lot of parties, and I will be able to come... Family & Friends

+1 y

Should high school dropouts not be allowed to vote?

I think people should have to take a test every 10 years to see if they understand the basics of how their country works, the law, etc. If you don’t know how a country operates you definitely... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

I mean, technically, I guess. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Is this really your best physical feature?

I just want to clarify something. A lot of people think you only have one zodiac sign, which is based in your birthday. This is not true. You have several. Every planet is a different one,... Fashion & Beauty

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