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8 mo

Guys, what style of underwear do you wear? Girls, what style of underwear do you prefer on your man?

I honestly don't even notice much what underwear a guy is wearing! He can wear whatever he finds comfortable. Fashion & Beauty

8 mo

Girls, what kind of underwear do you usually wear? Guys, what kind of underwear do you want to see on your girl?

I own different kinds but prefer thongs the most because they feel the most comfortable for me. My second favorite is briefs. Anything else has to be seamless to be comfortable for me. My... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Do you think it's okay for your boyfriend/girlfriend to talk to their best friends about your relationship problems?

TL;DR: it is good to share with a few people if you wisely choose who to share with. I choose friends who I know will keep it confidential and will hold me accountable when I'm wrong. Absolutely.... Relationships

8 mo

Do you consider this woman to be overweight?

Maybe. Looks fine to me, she could be overweight but still not that big of a deal in my opinion. Health & Fitness

8 mo

What do women really want?

A man who would love me if I was a worm. Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Am I the only guy who hates it when girls call you their friend?

Looks like a you problem. Why are you getting so offended over good people not bending their reality to your stupid weirdo motives? Just stop interacting with women if you can't find any meaning... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Can you forgive and forget cheating?

I could "forgive" a cheater I guess, but I'd still dump him. Relationships

8 mo

How to know if a guy likes you?

If you don't know if he likes you, then he doesn't like you. Men are simple. If he likes you, then you will know for sure. If you're confused, that means he doesn't. Guy's Behavior

8 mo

Do you think my standards for a long term relationship are reasonable or too high in your opinion?

The only thing I find unreasonable here is the point about "small things". You don't get to decide what's a big deal to her and what's not. If I can nitpick I'd say that I'd personally hate to be... Relationships

8 mo

Girls, did you ever say "ew!" to guys trying to ask you out?

No. I just say no and move on. Maybe if someone continues to pursue me despite saying no I could say ew if I think it will make them stop though. Girl's Behavior

8 mo

The guy I’m with says we’re “together” but not in a relationship? What’s the difference?

You should ask him instead of us because only HE knows what those words mean to him. Relationships mean different things to different people so it is important that you both understand what you... Dating

8 mo

Is it the man's fault why a woman cheats?

It's never anyone's fault if their partner cheats. Someone may be doing horrible things in their relationship that's not justifiable and needs to be worked on, but cheating or retaliating in some... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Do you have physical criteria/preferences for a dating partner and did you deliberately choose whatever your preferences are?

I don't have many strong preferences. I don't think of bodies in a "I like this body type more than that" but I more so think along the lines of "I like abc about this body type, I like xyz about... Dating

8 mo

I lost my virginity, now I fear I'll never find love. Have I lost my worth?

Most people who are getting married had other sexual partners before their current spouse. If your concern is finding a husband then you have nothing to worry about. Break Up & Divorce

8 mo

If someone replies to your texts really fast is that a turn off for you?

I respond immediately unless I'm busy or sleeping. Never saw the big deal in it and if someone gets turned off by it then that's not my problem. It's just more convenient for me to reply instantly... Dating

8 mo

How can I make my boyfriend miss me?

As a clingy person I'd say that it is probably not a good idea to get into toxic and manipulative territory to make someone miss you. I'm just me, I work on being a better person everyday, and if... Dating

8 mo

Why sh*t test someone? What’s the point?

I don't believe in full operational "shit tests", but I do believe in things like observing someone's behavior, ask them questions etc to discern people. I believe people show their red flags... Break Up & Divorce

8 mo

Should we ban LGBT books out of schools?

There is an age-appropriate way to explain everything, including LGBTQ+ people. Yes, it should be part of formal education to teach about it. Society & Politics

8 mo

Is it normal to almost be addicted to being a woman and being obsessed with fashion, shoes makeup and all things girly?

Sounds less about being a woman and more about you getting into a frenzy once you are finally getting the freedom to do everything you wanted. While it's "normal" for people to get into such... Fashion & Beauty

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