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6 mo

Is "love" REAL? It seems like just a word to get women and men to have sex, and then it ALL falls apart eventually?

The idea of love that many people have is not real, but love itself is. If you expect love to be some kind of force that just takes you over and everything becomes dreamy afterwards because it... Relationships

7 mo

Do you believe girls mature faster?

Girls don't mature faster, they are simply held accountable for their actions more than boys. It's not like as soon as my period started I no longer had anymore childlike traits. I still wanted to... Girl's Behavior

7 mo

Why do so many people take rejection so badly?

I genuinely believe that the world will be a much better place if we raised the next generation with the teaching that being told no is okay, being rejected is okay, and that it is not the end of... Relationships

7 mo

How many chances do you give someone who has red flags until you ditch them because you’re so attracted to them?

I'd firstly give him a chance by communicating the problem but if the problem persists with no initiative to improve then leave. Dating

7 mo

What's your opinion on couples matching?

It's fun, but may not be everyone's cup of tea especially if you have totally opposite aesthetics. But I happen to have some edgy clothing pieces that match my boyfriend's style and I find it fun... Relationships

7 mo

Do you believe that a relationship should always be "fair"?

It should overall be fair, but it is completely natural to have fluctuations throughout. Sometimes you will be the one carrying more responsibilities and sometimes you will be very low on your... Relationships

7 mo

If it's ok for a woman to wait until marriage to have sex then is it ok for a man not to want to spend money on her until she's his wife?

You spend money on your friends, family and other loves ones all the time. You buy them gifts, food etc. Do you tell those people the same thing? Just never spend money on a surprise party or... Relationships

7 mo

What's a body part you're weirdly attracted to?

Does wallet count? Jk 😂😂😂 I find wide shoulders very attractive too, as well as well-defined pecs. You can have definitely abs at any fitness level if you have low body fat, but muscular... Dating

7 mo

Women: have you ever caught your man looking at another woman?

There is a difference between seeing and looking. Sometimes men look at women without noticing that they are doing it which I don't mind but I don't excuse my partner looking at other women... Guy's Behavior

7 mo

Do you think it is a positive or a negative for a woman to be decisive?

I'm a very decisive person. I was once very indecisive but a lot of those thoughts would come from my self-doubts. I realized that often the extra time and energy wasted on the indecision is... Girl's Behavior

7 mo

Girls have you ever been rejected before?

Yeah they do. It literally happens to everyone who does approach people, pretty or not. What about it? Dating

7 mo

What spices and/or Flavoring should I add to canned black beans?

I'll be coming back for answers here because my broke college kid ass is trying to embrace canned food. Food & Beverage

7 mo

What are upsides and downsides of choosing to stay celibate while you are single?

Upside is that you are potentially saving yourself from a lot of hassle and heartbreak especially if physical intimacy makes you feel emotionally connected to someone. It is especially important... Relationships

7 mo

Is it okay for me to want to be a stay at home girlfriend/wife?

It is okay but very risky. You are most likely better off not pursuing it if you don't have anything of your own to help you sustain yourself, lest you ever find yourself in a situation where you... Relationships

7 mo

Are there topics you can't/shouldn't joke about? Why or why not?

You should not be able to make jokes at the expense of other people. And I'm saying this as a generally funny person myself. Humor is subjective and not everyone's humor is my type and vice versa... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Have you ever met any so called 'covert narcissists'?

I have a suspicion that one of my exes was a covert narcissist. But I surely know that another ex of mine was DEFINITELY an overt narcissist. Good thing I stayed out of dating for a bit and took... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Do tall men get special privilege when it comes to women choosing a mate?

Personally speaking, no. I honestly don't even notice people's height much in the beginning, it takes me a while for me to notice that he is really tall sometimes. Most times I think a guy is cute... Dating

8 mo

Do women hate men who love them?

No, but I do believe women who were fed with toxic narratives about love or grew up with abandonment issues stay with men they wouldn't even want as friends because they hope that he will change. Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Guys, what style of underwear do you wear? Girls, what style of underwear do you prefer on your man?

I honestly don't even notice much what underwear a guy is wearing! He can wear whatever he finds comfortable. Fashion & Beauty

8 mo

Girls, what kind of underwear do you usually wear? Guys, what kind of underwear do you want to see on your girl?

I own different kinds but prefer thongs the most because they feel the most comfortable for me. My second favorite is briefs. Anything else has to be seamless to be comfortable for me. My... Girl's Behavior

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