819 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Both choices are valid, but they’re not comparable. Physical intimacy involves personal boundaries, emotions, and physical well being. Financial decisions revolve around economic resources and personal values on money.
1020 Reply- 1 y
Just because I have the resources doesn't make me have to spend it on someone other than my future wife. A piece of paper is signed and the next day the woman's well being emotions and boundaries are now good to go? lol
- 1 y
Yes I would like to evaluate sexual compatibility before the papers are signed as well. Seems reasonable.
- 1 y
Same thing I said. Paying for meals and sex aren't even comparable. If he wants sex in exchange for paying for a woman's meal he needs to hire a prostitute. Expecting a woman to have sex with a stranger, be at risk of pregnancy and an std just because a guy can't afford to date is insane
- 1 y
@coachTanthony then you shouldn't be asking women out on dates.
- 1 y
@DreamLife7 I don't they usually ask me
- 1 y
That's embarrassing
- 1 y
And I highly doubt that
- 1 y
@DreamLife7 Thanks for the comments lol
- 1 y
- 1 y
Right , cause sex and paying for food isn't even comparable like he can't be serious. But I agree acquiring wealth as a woman is very important. That way she can easily dismiss guys like this without the burden of feeling controlled
- 1 y
@dreamlife7 I feel like I’m controlling you …I apologize lol
- 1 y
Marriage is not just a piece of paper and creates all the rights for both parties and so it is so important
- 1 y
@DreamLife7 Agree.
- 1 y
@Selena1987 he's either wounded, never been married or both.
- 1 y
@el_Te_de_la_Rosa I always try to encourage women to get their own as a back up. But there are men who are very educated, generous and have traditional values which are normally conservative men. Liberal men I would not reccomend if you want a traditional home
- 1 y
@DreamLife7 Wounded? I sprained my ankle last week so not sure who told you but that is messed up whoever did that.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
If a man decides to take that route, I'm sure she will think him a skin flint and drop him in no time. I think most women would agree that the ball is always in his court.
12 Reply- 1 y
I mean that can still be the case. Just because I am not spending my money on lavish vacations and gifts and saving that for my future wife doesn't mean I am not pursuing. LOL
- 1 y
I agree that spending can sometimes be extreme. You just have to know the balance. And the one of your checkbook too. 😄
What Girls & Guys Said
1.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Money and sex are two different things. They should never be compared as similar things
1333 Reply- 1 y
Nobody is comparing them. A woman deems sex important to wait until marriage. A man deems money important not to spend it on anyone but his wife. Both seem reasonable to me unless you want to judge them together somehow lol
- 1 y
to coach , content important now i get your meaning
- 1 y
Then go ahead and get married and call it a day. But I feel sorry for whoever marries you. People who use things to manipulate others to extort what they want aren't very balanced. This goes for men and women. It is controlling, abusive and toxic. Get some therapy before you marry and have kids and ruin everyone else's life.
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY I agree. A woman extorting marriage for sex is shameless.
- 1 y
The go gay and deal with a man who will agree, you have options!! Gay men get fast sex in open spaces. Hookers also get paid, so you can get a GUARANTEE for sex and be happy. Find solutions that work for your mindset rather than imposing your ideas on women who will disagree. Go get sex in other places, with men or whores who get paid for it. Good luck!!
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY you're one hundred percent right
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY There are plenty of women here who agree. So not going anywhere lol
- 1 y
That's right Miss apple!
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY no one is going to marry him. Lol
- 1 y
@dreamlife7 no matter how hard you flirt with me I’m just simply not interested!
- 1 y
@coachTanthony you're getting offended over truth
- 1 y
@dreamlife7 I’m offended that you keep flirting to with me
- 1 y
@coachTanthony you're very offended lol.
- 1 y
- 1 y
- 1 y
Don't fight girls i have fair deal..
If she want to wait till marriage for sex then let it be...
If he have money then he can hire any prostitute for his needs..
- 1 y
See, and there I am thinking that's completely reasonable
- 1 y
But you already know how my family is when it comes to spouses and money
- 1 y
@KostasKouvalis haha it's okay you are free to have that opinion. I won't judge
- 1 y
I have never seen any girl ask me to wait till marriage for sex... no one wait in this days this whole argument is useless. Just my thoughts.
- 1 y
@heartrob25 bc they don't like you lol. Do the math
- 1 y
You're absolutely right they don't like me that's the reason they don't want to wait till marriage for having sex with me. 😊 - 1 y
@heartrob25 do the math. No they don't like u.
- 1 y
Does this matter if she like me or not? Because I get what I want from her. - 1 y
@heartrob25 if u were really getting sex u wouldn't b talking about it nor on gag and faceless on gag on a weekend. Nice try
- 1 y
Why should I don't talk about it? Wow you're so offensive now. Butt hurt? There is no reason to get butt hurt miss.
- u1 y
If you view dating and marriage as legalized prostitution, it makes sense.
44 Reply- 1 y
the gold ring and jewelery at weddings bothers me for the reason you mentioned.
luckily new testament said not to wear jewelry. now i need to find someone who obeys all new testament. - 1 y
I mean she is extorting sex for a marriage certificate so yeah that is terrible on her part lol
- 1 y
If she's that kind of woman, why are you going to marry her? . . . Why are you even DATING her?
- 1 y
good question. I am not. I am marrying a woman who has sex before marriage. I will not be controlled. lol
- 1 y
I get where you're coming from but I think it's important to consider that a woman in this situation is likely to have a totally different view of sex than the guy.
It means something else to her in the context of a relationship, especially if she's a virgin.
The value of something depends on who it's being offered to. A woman's virginity and who they have sex with has an impact on their feminity just like how the woman a guy has sex with and other things have an effect on his masculinity. These things are important to both sexes.
No man wants to feel like less of a man, I'm pretty sure in the same general sense, no woman wants to feel like less of a woman.
I'm trying to say it seems like an apples to oranges comparison.
The way I see it it's like this:
The woman's virginity is obviously very important to her (at least, usually just before losing it), it takes a lot of discipline and self control to say no to something like that long enough to find a husband. It's a value she has as a result of her world view and it's I. Portant to her. So if it's not important to you as a man, you can either show her your way of thinking and accept whatever her reaction is or she's not for you, so stop wasting everyone's time and move on.
22 Reply- 1 y
"it takes a lot of discipline and self control to say no." 👍👍👍 Thanks.
- 1 y
Just say no I agree. lol
- 1 y
About a decade or more ago, Singapore built 2 casinos.
What captured my attention was the license tendering process. One license, with three operators spending more than a million$ each on their proposals.
That day I learned what it means as "cost of investment": that some form of noticeable spending is necessary to achieve something big.
(eventually the government accepted two proposals and issues two licences instead of one.)
The answer to this question is: Marriage is like the license issued. But before issuing, the she may like to know if the man is "up to standard".
If he's not willing to spend that mmillion$, chances are he'll lose to the other competitors.
But spending doesn't mean he'll get her in marriage.
Nevertheless, is he "good enough" to show the world that he's capable?
These I think defines th person - a calculative misor, or a generous person of character?
And this is probably what she's considering before handling her vagina and more importantly her entire person and soul to him.
40 Reply - 1 y
I would disagree on that one. I don't see what one has to do with the other. If she wants to wait till she's married, and I am leaning that way anyway, I am not about to punish her by not spending some time and money on her/us.
Sex constitutes so little of your overall time together. I would rather spend the time and get to know whether she and I are compatible in other ways first. Besides, as soon as you involve sex, it seems to blind some people as to what the real goal is which is make sure you can spend your life with this person and not want to throttle them 6 months into the marriage.😂
94 Reply- 1 y
"I don't see what one has to do with the other."
That is because they don't have anything to do with the other. It's just simply two sets of values by two different people. - 1 y
I suppose, if the two are okay with those rules. I couldn't hold out on spending money on her/us because it would feel like I'm punishing her for having those values. Marriage is an investment of sorts, so you may as well get used to sharing the cost and/or paying for things as part of that investment. I'm sure she would look at that way too. I'm not saying you flip the bill for everything, after all we talk about being equal all the time, she has to invest in the relationship, also.
- 1 y
The question is tongue and cheek of course but just trying to show how values are viewed differently in society.
Great answer here… spot on
- 1 y
This logic is dumb in my opinion, I believe that money shouldn't be something you spend carelessly on someone of course, but it's also not something you should think of as a trade for sex.
If my friends are short on money, I have no issue with being the person that pays if we go out to eat or go bowling for example. I just think that if you care about someone you should not see an issue in treating each other equally (money-wise). If both parties are in a financial position to do so, why act frugal about this, especially if it's someone you care about? The same goes for a person you're romantically interested in.
71 Reply- 1 y
Nobody is trading anything. She could be having sex with the guy before marriage and he will still say hey I am not spending money on anyone who isn't my wife. People keep comparing the two and it's simply just two separate people with two separate values not necessarily the two people being together.
- 1 y
Those are not related.
If a man finds a woman who is attractive and nice to him enough so that he'd like to take her out, catering her and accompaning her. I think it's natural for a masculine man to want to be a protector or a provider.
If a woman agrees to have sex with a man she doesn't know well, there's still no guarantee that he'd instantly marry her, right? Worse. She would become a hoe to him, keeping him wondering how many men she had before him? Is she worthy to marry at all because she can't say no to a man who's obviously not her husband... or at least a boyfriend.
11 Reply- 1 y
Agree they are not related.
- 1 y
You spend money on your friends, family and other loves ones all the time. You buy them gifts, food etc. Do you tell those people the same thing? Just never spend money on a surprise party or Christmas gift for them because they never have sex with you?
Even the way the question is phrased is odd. There are men who don't want to have sex until they get married, and nowadays most women also pay for their partners to an extent. Is sex only worth it if your partner is spending a lot of money on you? Is it only worth paying for your partner if they have sex with you? In that case you are better off just seeing a sex worker instead of trying to date.
13 Reply- 1 y
I mean one doesn't have anything to do with the other. If you and me were dating and you gave me sex before marriage I would still say I only spend money on my future wife so... I mean mind your P's and cues and just maybe one day you'll get a little taste of this bank roll.
- 1 y
See, the thing is I don't see sex as something I "give", I see it as something I do and take an active role in. Sure, sometimes I'm "giving" my boyfriend sex in terms of agreeing to do it because he wants it, but sometimes he's giving it to me as well.
- 1 y
Yes exactly it's all about give and take.
1.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Because waiting for marriage is traditional, and men wanting to pay is also traditional. Men who don't want to provide are modern and should stick to modern women. Easy solution. And I'm saying that as someone who didn't accept gifts worth more than $15 from my husband before we were married.
516 Reply- 1 y
Well men don't have any money women do. So if the man is going to spend any shouldn't it be on his future wife and not someone who isn't'?
- 1 y
Women are making more money then men these days let's face it. So why are men spending all theirs in 2023 on women and her not be his wife? Because somehow it's the right thing to do or it's tradional?
- 1 y
I'd be interested in where you got that information, since the US census says single men's median income is about 12k more than single women's. But even if that were the true, men who don't want to provide (or are just aren't capable of it) can find them a modern woman and be her house husband.
- 1 y
If the information was correct what would your answer be? The same I am assuming lol
- 1 y
I already answered that:
"But even if that were the true, men who don't want to provide (or are just aren't capable of it) can find them a modern woman and be her house husband." Or whatever him and his wife agree on.
A non traditional man should stick with a non traditional woman, as I said in my original answer. Easy solution. - 1 y
Men who don't want to provide have nothing to do with this question. Where did I say the man doesn't want to provide. He wants to provide everything he has to his wife not some random he is dating. If she is the one then she can wait and will be provided for. lol
- 1 y
It's 2023. Men paid for dates back in the day because women didn't work or made very little. It only becomes traditional because it happened over a period of time. Men now a days find it disgusting that women define "being traditional" as men spending money lol
- 1 y
What? The only reason Anything becomes traditional is because it happens over time...
the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
My husband didn't find it disgusting, he wanted to pay for stuff when we were dating. Not because I didn't
make money, because he wanted to.
You'd be right about men finding it disgusting if you put "modern" before it. That's why they need to stick to "modern" women, hope this helps!
Still waiting on that source for your info... - 1 y
Too bad you didn't mention values and chivalry. Just money. There are other things ya know.
- 1 y
Thanks for the comments
Are you for dude, like you are comparing money with sex. whyy
Listen sex is not something you can do alone okay unless we are talking about masturbating so if a girl denies having sex before marriage the guy does have the same authority to deny or ask for it. So it all comes down on consents. I do not wanna go personal here however if you are really dying for sex why don't you book one for yourself. Its not like you are broke or whatt.
Don't get me wrong but the question is dumb.
63 Reply- 1 y
There is no comparison. It's two separate values that two people hold. You want to compare go ahead. And if the question is dumb go do something else with your life then comment on a dumb question. lol
- 1 y
LOL. Apology accepted
1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Absolutely not, in my opinion. The sex/money equation should not be regarded as a two way exchange, and a woman has every right to refuse to let the guy have sex with her until she's ready to do so. However, in no way does that then give the guy a valid reason to be cheap, stingy and tight with his money. This is my opinion only.
14 Reply- 1 y
OMG please check the update
So you like getting abused by women who use you for foody dates... nice
- 1 y
@Lookingforthetruth Yes, Sir, very much so. Not only that, but the next weekend, when you're having dinner with her, and presumably a long night of intimacy afterwards, I will make every effort to receive the privilege of paying for your romantic evening with her, as well. I know that sounds ridiculous, but nothing compares to the excitement of knowing that after you've enjoyed a sumptuous candlelight dinner with her, you'll be enjoying something much more satisfying, that I can only dream about.
- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
My response to many comments I have been seeing: Only naive women are fail to see the relationship between money and sex. Men learn early on there's is a clear relationship between money and sex. Women expect men to invest in them financially and emotionally before they have sex with them. Rich men tend to have access to more women. And women often screen men based on how much money he makes. It's one of the 2 most common screens women make one being income the other being height.
To answer the question directly: I think it depends on the type of role the woman is respected to bring into the relationship, if she is expected to be a stay at home mom or wife and have traditional duties, I think it's expected for the man invest in the women to summon some extent, but not completely as the relationship would be unbalanced if she's not having sex with him. If she will be an equal or near equal bread winner then no, I don't think men should have to spend money on her.10 Reply - 1 y
The question made me laugh so hard I couldn't answer it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Let's face it, every species of animal has one sex that makes itself appear irresistible to the other one and the other sex that has to do all the courting to win them over.
In humans guess which sex is which?
Womens' power comes from the fact that men are hornier than women. Whoever needs something less has power over the other. So men need to pay to get what they need. It's a fact of human nature.
11 Reply- 1 y
Well that is simply vagina extortion lol
- 1 y
It's also ok for men to wait until marriage and ok for women not to waste time and money on a guy until marriage. Waiting for marriage and spending money on gifts isn't gender specific, it depends on the culture the person's were raised in and how much they earn
10 Reply - 1 y
I agree with this. It's called a dowry. Why not? Everyone gets vetted beforehand. Prenuptials deal-breakers everything upfront. Once that's sorted she gets spent in and he gets laid. It worked for a gazillion years but someone decided dating was better. Doesn't seem that way to me...
10 Reply 861 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It's fine to propose that. It's not fine to expect the woman to be okay with it, just as it is not fine to expect a man to be okay with no sex before marriage.
11 Reply- 1 y
No doubt.
- 1 y
That would make sense only for a person that doesn't see the meaning and value of having a wife and being in a marriage.
If marriage is only a piece of paper to the people involved, there is no reason to even get married in the first place.
So, for men who think it's okay to think like that, maybe look for women who don't care about marriage, or don't want to get married.10 Reply - 1 y
Yes... No
The one has nothing to do with the other. If he doesn't want to spend money on her because she is not his wife yet he better move onbecause he is not worthy.
Realy.. these 2 things are not related in any way. { weird question... I don't understand}
22 Reply- 1 y
You don't understand because you are assuming the woman says to the man he has to wait for sex until marriage then the man springs on her okay then well I ain't spending money on you then until we are married. That is not the question. He will say that to her no matter if sex is happening or not. His money will not be spend on anyone but his future wife.
- 1 y
Well yeah.. Sorry.. But I though it was a couple like more people here. 😄 Perhaps the question was not quite clear.. 😄 Oh well, take care..👍
1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Lol, that's crazy. You are not buying a wife here. A person wants to spend on a good natured woman not because of sex you idiot. We do it because we like to take care of her. Do you take a male friend out to eat or watch a movie because you are marrying him too 🤣?
413 Reply- 1 y
Exactly. "Hey, male friend, if you aren't going to bend over after I buy you this movie ticket and some popcorn, I'm not buying."
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY 🤣🤣 that's crazy. Why would anyone expect this
- 1 y
Still not appropriate. Because if he is that much concerned then he should go to a mail order bride service and get a bride or go to some gypsy village and marry a girl and give her all his riches. This is just appalling that you want both love and attraction and make her a wife too.
A person has to draw the line somewhere. You can't get the best of both worlds. And in case you do, just remember that God was kind to you - 1 y
- 1 y
Not sure I understand what you are saying. All I am saying is the man has every right to not spend his money on any woman who isn't his wife. Sex has nothing to do with it.
- 1 y
Dude you are getting off track here. I am speaking specifically on a woman he is dating and the woman he marries. Never said he is not spending money on his friends or family at appropriate times during holidays etc
- 1 y
Then that's fine. Be who you are but understand that people who are stingy and are also emotionally stingy as well. Relationships are about two people giving each other love and support - that isn't only about $$ but withholding it IS abusive and won't work if you want to build a bond. But don't spend if you feel resentful and get used to being alone, or paying for hookers who WILL oblige to sex on demand for your money. Most women are seeking to avoid being hurt or used sexually, and if you can't relate, so be it, but find other solutions to make you happy outside of dating norms.
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY saying goes, hungry and a fed person can't walk together. Greedy woman for greedy man, good woman for good man.
During dating, woman should ideally not have sex. If someone will stick with you he will regardless of that. That should be the byproduct and not a way to marriage or keep a person interested. Most people after marriage are really each other's supposed best friends - 1 y
That's what the person posting is suggesting, lmaoooo!!
- 1 y
@SexyBrunetteNY 🤣
But yeah coach was just asking and may be I went overboard but unlike American cultures Arabs have a different brain 🧠 altogether. The woman will tell you to marry her in 1 or meetings. And dating too long is seen as time waste and inappropriate.
Likewise in my country dating is frown upon and dating usually ends in ultimate marriage. Once you are dating which is usually secret from family but not always the answer is marriage. And usually girls are the one to break it up and marry a richer guy if the arranged one is slightly like that.
1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I think in terms of money, they should always go fifty fifty.
Men should also stop dating younger girls, 18-25 age group, who are studying or don't have proper employment options.
Because as a man, it's not possible for you to date a younger gal and expect her to be self sufficient.
20 Reply- 1 y
Sex and treated a woman you asked out for dinner are two different things. Yes a man should still pay. If he does not want to pay then he needs to stop approaching women. If he thinks sex should be in exchange for meals then he needs to go to a prostitute.
35 Reply- 1 y
This question is not about exchanging meals for sex but since you brought it up I agree that is terrible. Don't do that.
- 1 y
You put paying for meals and sex in the same sentence. Sex is not the same as paying for a meal. Sex equals the risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and asking her to give herself up to a man she doesn't know. That's crazy
- 1 y
@dreamlife7 who said the woman needs to give herself up to a man she doesn’t know? Wow you just making up all kinds of stuff now
- 1 y
@coachTanthony sir, you're 52 stop lol.
That's a very strange question. The two have nothing to do with each other.
36 Reply- 1 y
They aren't supposed too... they are simply just two different values. check update.
- 1 y
Because it shouldn't matter. It's very likely two people might meet each other with these values that have nothing to do with eachother. It amazes me how many people compare the two.
- 1 y
Because I want opinions on both values. Didn't think everyone would think men are all shit and use that value as revenge for her not putting out. Guess that is my bad lol
- 1 y
- 1 y
Any man can stick his $$ up his a**, I got my own. Always have. Face it, men have almost no power over relationships. Women don't need your money, so keep it and keep on not getting p*ssy either lol.
30 Reply 3.6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. It should be but of course it is not ok. If he does that there will bw no marriage.
Men marry for sex. Women marry for money.11 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
Fully agree and have even told dudes that we dont need to know anything about eachothers income unless at least engaged
11 Reply- 1 y
I do need to know if he's in debt however
- 1 y
I don't spend money on a woman to have sex because i never pay for sex and won't have sex before marriage...
Paying on a woman is something in my morals and because if i'm in a serious relationship than the girl will know that she's going to be a housewife after marriage10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
1st part of you question the answer is "yes".
The 2nd part my guess if all of this hinges on her putting out then it's not going to matter much after he gets married because he's most likely going to be a cheap motherf***er then as well.😆
05 Reply- 1 y
Never said it hinges on her putting out …. I’m saying that’s just his values just like her not having sex before marriage is her values
- Opinion Owner1 y
You can dress it up however you like sounds like a "quid pro quo" to me, not his values. But I also believe in marriage before sex so maybe that colors my opinion on this the opposite of his.
- 1 y
You keep assuming the man and the woman are together …. just talking about two different people in general with their own values
- Opinion Owner1 y
I'm not assuming g anything. I don't get where you're getting that from. You brought "until she's his wife". That's the ONLY reason I'm assuming that as the goal.
- 1 y
Alright thanks for the comments
- 1 y
A man who is content with himself doesn't have problems sharing his wealth with others, woman or not.
31 Reply- 1 y
Men can share with whomever they want. So if a man waits and wants to spend it on his wife that's bad I guess lol
- 1 y
You’re straight up saying that women are prostitutes and men should only spend money on them if sex is involved. How old are you? What kind of man thinks this way? JFC!!!
212 Reply- 1 y
only if it is an ultimatum woth same person. but this is a type of logic, delay so delay.
- 1 y
@AnotherDay88 Neither one has anything to do with the other.
- 1 y
He's 52 😂
- 1 y
@dreamlife7 No means No. I will not be your Daddy or Big poppa 🤓
- 1 y
Either you're trolling us or age is not an indication of a wisdom.
Woman will only wait to have sex until she is married if she finds a man will similar views.
If you don't want to spend money on women, that is your choice. However, even a child knows the joy of giving and making others happy. You don't have to someone "Big poppa" ( whatever that means) to be a kind and giving person.
That is all. - 1 y
@AnotherDay88 LOL you must have no clue who I am which is pretty funny in itself.
- 1 y
I know who you are: pompous, self appointed guru operating on sexist ideas to shamelessly promote his ego in order to influence young and inexperienced individuals.
- 1 y
@AnotherDay88 God Damn can I steal that for my bio?
- 1 y
He's not even that he's 52 and emotionally damaged and lonely. Near nursing home ager
- 1 y
@DreamLife7 Hey now that wasn't nice.
- 1 y
@coachTanthony it's not meant to be rude it's the honest truth. I see it all the time where men end up lonely on nursing homes due to this mentality.
- 1 y
@DreamLife7 That won't happen to me because you'll be there to wipe my dribble and change my diaper. That is what good conservative old fashioned wives do right... you're the best.
- 1 y
I don't see how one has anything to do with the other. If you don't want to spend money on me, fine. As long as you spend your time.
21 Reply- 1 y
Good because they don't have anything to do with each other.
- 1 y
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fair enough if i think about it 😂😂😂😂
10 Reply - 1 y
depends if i am paying for her food expected sex and she said wait til wedding then i won't wanna pay. but if i pay because of society then unaffected.
02 Reply- 1 y
i misunderstood the question. it is not okay for a guy to delay paying. despite it is okay for girl to delay.
- 1 y
Exactly. If they are both delaying for their own personal reasons then why shouldn't that be okay?
7.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. You do know sex and money are not related in any shape or form, right?
53 Reply- 1 y
Yeah I do they two different values for two different people.
- 1 y
he didn't mean the same person ultimatum. he meant contrast of important stuff.
- 1 y
@strateguy632 Exactly.
- 1 y
No because it’s not a transaction of sex for money
49 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
there is nothing wrong with a guy who wants to spend all his money on his wife. There is nothing wrong with a woman waiting until marriage to have sex. He's not saying oh okay well if you won't have sex then I won't spend money. He is saying this no matter what. His future wife will enjoy his riches not just anyone he is seeing.
- 1 y
@coachTanthony ok that’s fair. But I also agree with @anon1903 that I would never sell my virginity. I want to lose it to someone I love. Or at least really like.
- 1 y
@WhitneySnow nobody is saying to sell your virginity. You should wait. These two users are trolls just an FYI
- 1 y
I am gonna wait. Thanks.
It's okay for anyone, of either gender, to wait until marriage before they have sex. Actually, that's how it used to be, a long, long time ago. Why is this at all controversial?
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Will you ever get a life.. Your questions become sillier all the time
20 Reply - 1 y
I would say so. In fact I prefer to go dutch until I’m married to the guy, or at least in a relationship, but that’s just me.
00 Reply - 1 y
It's perfectly OK for a person not to want to spend money on their partner until marriage. But that's not really comparable to having sex.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Considering dating is essentially legal prostitution, Without the guarantee of sex, I fully support that.
10 Reply 6.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Hehehehe. I see. That is funny. They say women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment and marriage.
Your idea Seems only fair.
00 Reply- 1 y
What 😂😂 it's two different things and 18 virgin girl value is equal to a billionaire 😂😂so if ur dating one u have to take care of her n spend money it's not an argument it's fact it's law...
010 Reply- 1 y
Once she is my wife she will be taken care of lol
- 1 y
I pay from the beginning no issue
- 1 y
You married? Or you just keep paying random women to date ya?
- 1 y
If you are dating anyone i think a guy should pay especially if u ask her out
- 1 y
You take them out and I’ll sleep with them 😂
- 1 y
Different cultures remember that, girls i take out wouldn't be in ur reach 😂
- 1 y
Not just u , anyone can't reach them
- 1 y
Why not you live in Siberia or something? Lol
- 1 y
Bro do u want me to insult you? because if I start u will delete ur post?
- 1 y
Why you mad at me bro lol You sound like you're from another country or something that is why I ask. lol
- 1 y
I don't think it's ok for anyone to wait till marriage
20 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. yes and no.
Then basically he would be paying for sex indirectly.20 Reply306 opinions shared on Relationships topic. If you want to treat her like a prostitute then I think that says more about the Man then the Women wanting to uphold her purity/sexuality
00 Reply- 1 y
''My money - my choice'' :D heh heh
Counter question:
is it ok to wait with studying (something, or anything) until you got a job?
00 Reply 4.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Sure. But in both cases they're going to make it harder on themselves to find a partner.
00 Reply- 1 y
say that to your girlfriend and see what happens.
00 Reply - 1 y
If the woman gets the choice to wait till marriage than the man definitely gets his own choice as well on whatever it is he wants to have a choice on.
00 Reply - 1 y
As I told you before. You are not a coach, you are just a simp. If there is sex, I would still not pay anything for her. Men should never pay a womans bill. No matter what.
00 Reply - 1 y
Weird comparison but your free to do what you want.
10 Reply - 1 y
Men spend money on prostitutes. So what's the difference.
20 Reply Depends if she’s pleasing me in other ways. No sex before marriage is possible but no pee pee play at all is just blasphemy. Bjs and handys you get it all. If your just teasing me till marriage we can split the bills till then.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Why do people keep equating money to sex … do men not have sex?
20 Reply - 1 y
Why would any man spend money on a woman? Surely women have their own money? If not then feminism has failed.
00 Reply - 1 y
Kind of like the old days when her family would pay you to take her away? 😂
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
So he's not going to take her out on dates? Or do anything romantic for her that requires money like buying her roses or gifts for her birthday? Not even a damn ice cream? Damn he's cheep.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
unless she’s a hooker i don’t see the correlation between money and sex
00 Reply - 1 y
If this is what you think of women and relationships then everyone is better off if you stay single.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Yes its okay. He’s probably gonna die alone but its his choice completely lmao.
10 Reply I’m not spending time with a man not spending money on me. I also don’t fuck before marriage.
20 Reply- Show More (17)
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