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Rejected? Well, Sometimes it's for the Best! You Will Learn More From it Than Anything Else

In my teens I often pursued older girls. Usually, they would laugh at me, and some would get angry and tell me to go away at the first sign of my flirting with them. But one girl, a student body president, studious and modest, instead took it upon herself to teach me about relationships. OF...

+1 y

In Some Places, Women Are Still Treated as Property, Here in the USA

Places like Hooter degrade all of us. And it's not just in hidden corners in the far countryside. Business people go there to confab; they are 'respectable.' The other day, a friend took me to Hooters; I went once years ago out of curiosity but I would never have gone back myself. The girls...

+1 y

Complete Personality Dystopia Part 3--When the Woman Gets her Name on the Office Door

We all know the stereotype--she thinks she's God....and like all stereotypes, there's truth in it to some degree. But I'm taking only about personality changes. One of my friends got promoted due to mainly an affair with one of the company heads twice her age. When she got the promotion, she cut...

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'I want your honest opinion about my fat body'---greatest lie in the universe.

A few weeks ago, a girl I had never talked to before PM's me and wanted my 'brutally honest' opinion about her body because I was someone who 'knew what he was talking about.' She sent me headless pictures of herself. Just over 5 feet, 150 pounds. She looked muscular, the fat didn't hang or...

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Complete personality changes, Part 2... When a woman has a small child

The woman with the small child suddenly takes herself very seriously and will tend to judge what anyone near her says or does. People who used to be open minded suddenly have every kind of prejudice. Just for example. "Men who make fun of girls are all jerks.' 'You are damaging my child when you...

+1 y

The same person, but suddenly--a new personality.

Someties people don't adapt well to changes in their lifestyle. An old friend of mine recently got 'into' yoga and now teaches it. She has become inward looking and quite rigid in her stances on any issue. She used to be friendly ad happy-go-lucky.. But now, she judges everything by how it...

+1 y

Respect for Women in the US? Well, Start With Our New First Lady...

Obviously you could write several books on this. I'm going to try to condense it into a few paragraphs, aimed mostly at US girls. Girls abroad already know a lot of this. 1. Our families are often dysfunctional and split apart, so we don't learn respect for women from our family members. Often...

+1 y

Where to find a good partner for a LTR? Try something different!

We have had endless posts on how to find someone; it's probably the most popular sort of question, aside from the 'rate me' proposals that aren't even QUESTIONS.... Why not volunteer at a shelter, either an animal shelter, or a homeless shelter? Of course the animal shelter is going to be a...

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If you don't want advice, why post questions?

With the influx of very young people, a lot of questions on Gag no longer involve asking for advice. In fact, a classic case just occurred today. A poster said in the question that any answers that disagreed with her position in the question would be ignored or reported. A couple of us still...

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Flying Blind on GaG: Why can't we stop doing this? We're talking to ghosts!

Today while logged on to the site, I saw a question from an anonymous girl, asking why her friend or boyfriend always walked ahead of them several steps. Now in some cultures, this behavior would be considered quite normal, while in the US most people would find it bizarre to varying degrees....

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Pouring Oil on the Fire: Anger and Apologies, But in What Order?

Timing is critical in managing situations with friends, where someone has lost their temper with you. When someone is really angry with you, don't expect simpering apologies to make things right. We naturally are in a hurry to assuage their anger. We want to get back to the way we were. But to...

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Private Profiles, Disabling Invitations...Do You Think This is Facebook?

Gag is an advice site...if you want advice, you have to allow some responses that you won't agree with. All the concern for privacy seems oxymoronic to me This is an advice site! By walling yourself off from everyone but people you already know, which is what people are largely doing with the...

+1 y

Modern Feminism is Only About Special Privileges for SOME Women, It's Not About Equality

100 years ago, feminism was about getting equality, quite legitimately. But in its modern, they may SAY that, but really it's about getting privileges by manipulating the courts, men, and also other women if they get in the way. Its most blatant form can be seen in the recent Fox News...

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How to Fight Ageism Involving Older Females in US Society

Some people think it's a losing battle, but me, I try lines on older women, such as "Do you think your daughter will also get more beautiful as she ages? ' Just used that one on a bride's mother. Of course she pretended to shrug it off, but you could tell she doesn't get the compliments she...

+1 y

Togetherness...What's GOOD About Recent GaG Updates!

In my opinion, the things lacking in Gag are: 1. A sense of community. We're atomized individuals and given the turnover, we never really get to form any sort of cohesive group that we are comfortable discussing issues with 2. A way to seek out people you'd like to answer your questions,...

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When a Guy Writes a Take About Girls, Prepare For Feminist Lawfare

Whenever anyone, girl or guy, writes about 'girls' or 'guys' or a subset thereof, such as 'players' or 'virgins', they are generalizing. Not every 'guy' or 'girl' has the same outlook or behavior pattern, and ditto every 'player' or 'virgin.' No problem, so long as a girl writes the Take. But...

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There Are Dingbats Galore Out There, More than You Probably Think

A few nights ago, at 7:44, I was at my gym training a few mostly middle aged women, new to working out. Right in the middle of the class, in walks a maybe 30 year old woman pushing s stroller. This is incongruous in the gym, but I was busy and didn't pay attention at first. Out of the corner...

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5 Reasons Why I Like Girls Who Wear Glasses

1. They aren't focused on their appearance, or on attracting guys who are focused on appearance. They of course also go easy on makeup When someone wears glasses these days it's a conscious decision not to use contacts. They feel the hassle of contacts isn't worth it. 2. Since they don't have a...

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