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+1 y

Is it really that bad to meet someone you've met online irl?

i don't think its a bad idea.. just make sure to meet him in a public place Technology & Internet

+1 y

Why do men say they prefer girls without makeup but they thirst over these Instagram models who wear a lot of makeup?

because they like to sugarcoat things and they can't face that they're shallow Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Is water lined eyes (eyeliner on waterline) hot?

i always use black kohl.. so yea Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Would you consider yourself an optimist, pessimist, or realist?

a realist even tho i can be pessimist at times Other

+1 y

Is a tan more attractive than being pale?

tanned /brown skin color is my preference Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

In one sentence - what is your biggest concern about your life right now?

looking for a job and there are a few things i wanna change in my life tbh Other

+1 y

Is it wrong for your boyfriend to ignore your texts because he's busy texting another girl until very late at night?

the thing is he gets all pissed when you confront him about it because he's not interested in you anymore... there's definitely something going on with his coworker because he's ignoring your text... Relationships

+1 y

What it mean when a guy compliment you on your lips?

maybe they just like your lips Guy's Behavior

+1 y

What to do when your boyfriend makes you feel insecure about your body?

find yourself someone who loves your body... and not someone who will constantly compare you with a totally different type of body and will make you feel insecure Relationships

+1 y

Is curly hair a turn-off?

as an owner of curly hair... i don't see why it should be a turn off... rock your natural hair texture and you're just damaging your hair while straightening it... for those who think that... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Is a sensitive guy a turn off?

not at all.. in fact he will be more open to show his emotions Dating

+1 y

Ex unblocked me after a year but is married?

he might just wanted to rub it in your face that he married the chick he cheated on you with back then Relationships

+1 y

Guys: Do you like it when a girl speaks her mind? Girls: Are you the blunt or quiet type?

i used to be the quiet type then life made me turn into the blunt assh*le Dating

+1 y

What are your first assumptions about a girl who wears no makeup or very little?

i'll think that she thinks like me, i. e :she scared to mess up her skin with chemicals in makeup Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Do men prefer natural or straight hair on black women?

natural... all the way!!! straightened hair is way too mainstream Dating

+1 y

What does your computer desktop look like?

there's Gumball and Darwin's faces on it... oh well Other

+1 y

Who's more afraid of spiders, men or women?

i am... i almost shit my pants while seeing that picture Society & Politics

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