Guys: Do you like it when a girl speaks her mind? Girls: Are you the blunt or quiet type?

I've always been very open and honest in general. So much so that it's almost as if I shock people for being real instead of just telling people what they want to hear. I notice that they're are so many people afraid to speak their mind or say how they really feel. I don't understand that, I don't understand the point of holding back. If you're happy, embrace it. If you're sad, say it. If they upset you, let them know. If you're curious, just ask. Life is too short not to speak your mind.
I'm a guy who prefers a blunt girl.
I'm a guy who prefers a quiet girl.
I'm a girl who is the blunt type.
I'm a girl who is the quiet type.
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+1 y
When I say "blunt" I mean doing so in a respectful manner. Not just saying whatever you want to say to be hateful. There is a big difference between being blunt and speaking your mind vs being a jerk for the heck of it and using "honesty" as your excuse.
No, I'm asking these questions and stating my opinions while still being respectful and cautious of their feelings. I would never intentionally use "honesty" as a way to hurt someone. But I'm not going to sugarcoat either.
Guys: Do you like it when a girl speaks her mind? Girls: Are you the blunt or quiet type?
133 Opinion