Periodic table fun!


Hey there people! Here's some Chemistry fun that's gonna explode soon!

Oxygen and Potassium went on a date, it was OK.

Wanna hear a joke about Sodium? Na!

Are you full of Beryllium, Gold and Titanium?

Because you are Be-Au-Ti-ful!

Some people are Fluorine, Oxygen, Rhenium, Vanadium, Erbium, Aluminium, Oxygen, Neon a.k.a. F O Re V Er Al O Ne.

Are you made from Copper and Tellurium? Because, you are Cu-Te.

What happens when you mix Helium, Yttrium, Selenium and Xenon? HeySeXe!

You are my Barium, beryllium! BaBe!

How to say I love you in Chemistry: I (53), Lu (71) V(23), U(92).

Elements of UNiVErSe:

Helium (is respectively named after Sun, word Helios)

Selenium (is respectively named after Moon, the word Selene)

How many elements end without '-um':

Hydrogen, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Bromine, Krypton, Silver, Tin, Antimony, Iodine, Xenon, Tungsten, Platinum, Gold, Mercury, Lead, Bismuth, Astatine, Radon.

Total 34.

He He He! Laughing element. Got no reaction.

La La la ! Singing element.

Ho Ho Ho! Christmas element! Merry Christmas from Holmium!

Did you lost an electron? Yes. I am positive!

This is proton. No matter what happens, it remains positive, be like proton, always positive!

Neutron is emotionless.

Some "strange" names people notice, but don't try to find out the reason behind it:

Why is Sodium's symbol Na? It comes from its Latin name Natrium.

Why is Potassium's symbol K? it comes from Kalium!

Why Fe for Iron? Ferrum!

If Fe means Iron, does that makes FEMALE Iron-man?

Why Cu? Cuprum!!

Ag is Argentum.

Sn is Stannum!

Sb is Stibium!

W is Wulfrum!

Au is Aurum!

Hg is Hydragium!

Pb is Plumbum!

And, last but not least,

Here is the list of elements over 100!

101 Md Mendelevium

102 No Nobelium

103 Lr Lawrencium

104 Rf Rutherfordium

105 Db Dubnium

106 Sg Seaborgium

107 Bh Bohrium

108 Hs Hassium

109 Mt Meitnerium

110 Ds Darmstadtium

111 Rg Roentgenium

112 Cn Copernicium

113 Nh Nihonium

114 Fl Flerovium

115 Mc Moscovium

116 Lv Livermorium

117 Ts Tennessine

118 Og Oganesson!

Will Periodic Table ever be complete?

Hope y'all had fun! Thanks for reading!

Periodic table fun!

Periodic table fun!
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