4 Reasons Why Going Back To School Isn't Even That Bad.

4 Reasons Why Going Back To School Isn't Even That Bad.

Back to school. A phrase everyone's groaned at, or shuddered at just thinking about it. Even I have at one point. When I was a child and I never realised how great school can be. Now don't get me wrong, certain aspects of it suck, but it's not all bad.

Bare in mind, that these are reasons personal to me. It might not fit your perspective of things, so please don't think I'm talking about everyone. Some of you may be able to relate, others not so much.

1) I Miss My Friends Over The Summer

Me and my friends always plan to meet up over the summer, does that ever happen? Nope. We're all lazy, introverted people. But I guess that is a good thing considering we get a break from each other and then when we come back, we're all really happy. You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder or something like that. There's nothing like the feeling of seeing your friends after summer.

2) It's Technically My Last Year At School

I've been going to school since 2007, and now it's technically my final year, at school, in uniform at least. I have my GCSE examinations in June and it isn't even a full year, we leave in April. I just can't believe it's all gone by so fastly, and I want to cherish the time I have left here and be happy. :)

3) Home Can Be Boring

I mean we don't go anywhere or do anything so school is an escape from the boredem. Sure, some classes are boring, but some are actually fun as well. Like my English where my teacher jumped up on the table pretending to murder my friend. It keeps me occupied, and I like it when I'm doing something.

4) It Gets Me Set In a Routine

In the summer, I always mess up my routine, sleep in too much and I'm a zombie, pretty much. I feel like a slob and a mess, I just can't be bothered with anything. School makes me set in a routine and I feel much more lively and happier with myself.

Oh God, I've only been back at school for a day and a half and I already sound so cheesy. I'm just in a really good mood and felt the need to share it. Maybe you can think of some more reasons, maybe not, but either way I hope you enjoyed this MyTake. :)

4 Reasons Why Going Back To School Isn't Even That Bad.
25 Opinion