Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools


The headteacher was also threatened by LGBT community for not supporting LGBT lessons.

A mum has said that primary schools should not be allowed to educate pupils about the LGBT community without her parental consent. In Birmingham, 300 Muslim parents protested against LGBT lessons and stopped sending their children to school. They signed a petition also.

I still remember teachers asking for parental consent in primary schools when they wanted to teach about periods or when they wanted to show the Midsummer Night Dream movie, which had bold scenes.

I agree with those parents. Saying gay people don't deserve death or bullying is one thing but giving LGBT lessons is something else. That is promoting homosexuality. That is encouraging children to become gays and lesbians. That is indoctrination not education.

They are trying to normalise this culture. They are trying to call it natural but we all know men are meant for women, women are meant for men.

Totally agree with him
Totally agree with him
Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools
Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools
Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools
Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools
Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools
Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools

What's next after LGBT lessons? Teaching ten year old girls about their rights to become pregnant at the age of 14 and their rights to prostitution, nudity, porn industry, sleeping around, abortions, adultery and plastic surgery. People call this freedom, equality and woman empowerment.

A lot of Non-Muslims also think that LGBT lessons should not be given to children.

It ruins their innocence. How will those lessons help them get a job?

Lessons about Mathematics and English should be given. They should teach about the national debt and taxes. Some real skills should be taught.

I also think lessons about periods, egg cell and sperm cell should not be given either.

When those lessons didn't take place, women still had their periods and people still had children.

I was in 7th grade, when those lessons were given about sex and I was only 12. What were teachers trying to do? Increase teenage pregnancy?

They are basically teaching children about their rights to be characterless.

In UCL university, they have posters saying, "Sex work is still work."

They call this women empowerment instead of teaching to respect themselves.

This is like Kim Kardashian teaching ten year old girls that they have the right to be naked and to post nude photos because it is woman empowerment. One gay teacher got a global award just for being gay?

We have lost the plot! Something has gone very wrong in the society.

This is coming from a hardcore feminist but this is not feminism and liberalism.

Why I think lessons about LGBT, periods and making babies should be given in schools
59 Opinion