How I Became a Bitch at my Small University by Prooving Haters Wrong and Being at The Top of My Game


Hi this is my first mytake experience hopefully you all will enjoy it. This intake will be about my experience at a small private university and how I overcame the challenges of having toxic people in my life and becoming successful. Currently I am a senior at a small private university and I am so excited to graduate. You know how people say your undergrad years is the best years of your life? Well mine was complete hell. Going to a small university I enjoyed the academic part because I was succeeding in my work by making deans list, working for my school and being president of a couple clubs. However deep down inside I was not happy. The university I currently go to is very isolated but is a very beautiful campus. However the campus was not healthy due to its toxic people. Over the past four years of being at a university I was a quiet person and I wanted to fit in. So as a result I started to make friends who were lowkey backstabbers but Ill get to that later. Because I realized I did not know my worth I was letting people bring me down all the time telling me I will never make it as a lawyer, or I am ugly and can't wear the proper clothes etc. I even had a boyfriend in college who was always bringing me down and was abusive towards me all the time. The people who were my so called friends weren't. I was always there for them however they weren't there for me. To make a long story short I got sick of people at my university and started to stand up for myself. The people at my college since its small and everyone knows each other, the students have a tendency of spreading rumors and starting drama. Kind of like high school only filled its with twenty year olds. However I nipped that in a bud. The people that I was friends with I cut them out of my life because they were too negative. I didn't tell them why I cut them off I just blocked them all on any social media outlet along with avoiding them around campus. They came up to me upset about it and said they weren't my friends anymore which I told them I didn't care. As a result they started to spread rumors about me to other students telling them to avoid me Im nothing but trouble etc. Whoever I roommate with at my university they didn't like me because of what my ex friends were telling them. The rumors got so much out of hand because they

How I Became a Bitch at my Small University by Prooving Haters Wrong and Being at The Top of My Game

started to go on another level that could of ruined my future. My parents and I tried to talk to university administrators however they didn't want to do anything about it. So as the rumors started to get worse I was basically standing up for myself by cussing out students. However that also backfired cause the school residential life charged me for using curse words on their campus ( yes curse words). The school threatened me about standing up for myself instead of addressing the issue of students harassing me about rumors that was started by my ex friends. As a result I still continued to stick up for myself and not let anyone bring me down or try to ruin my future. I also isolated my self by not hanging around a lot of people because the people on my campus are all backstabbers and love to be in people business when there is drama.

So you might be asking how I became a bitch. Well I became a bitch in a good way. After cutting off so many people in my life I started focusing on myself. I started to make better grades, being more involved in club activities, becoming presidents of clubs, winning awards on research projects, and having more law schools interested. The ex-friends who were always bringing me down I proved them wrong about everything about me. By cutting off people I felt a lot better about myself and I started to believe in myself more which I am proud of.

The overall point of this story is for students who are current students or are future students who wants a attend small sized university. Im not saying you are going to have a bad experience like I did I just want you to be aware of the people you hang around and to not let people take advantage of you or bring you down. Remember people who try to bring you down you are already below them.

Again this is my first mytake so this one might not be as good and all over the place but I promise you my other ones will be better lol.

How I Became a Bitch at my Small University by Prooving Haters Wrong and Being at The Top of My Game
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