Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me


Bullying ...Let's talk about the bullying that starts inside school. One kid does something mean to another kid who can't defend himself for a long time and keeps doing it no matter how much it it hurting. Yeah all ages bully including kids. I never thought about it but even kids who we think are angelic and good bully other kids and no matter how not so important this looks it has long-term damage.

Bullying, mean people , how they damaged me .

For example when I was in kindergarden other kids especially girls were always mean to me I never understood why and never will. They were so evil and when I tried to socialise they would do mean things . Let me tell you a dumb story: A girl named Ela crushed a snail while walking. Then two girls started scaring her and telling her that when she would get pregnant she would not have a child but a snail. I told this girl Ela to not believe such a dumb thing and comfort her because she was scared to death and crying. Whatever the other girls were mean and Ela decided to trust them.

IN first grade I made friends but mostly boys and I wondered why I never tried to become friends with girls! Whatever the boy I was friends with made an accident and couldn't walk for a period and when he came back to school he forgot about me and had changed for bad. That hurt a lot . I stared at him for days wondering why he forgot me. I'll never know.

Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me

Then my teacher always changing my seat making it harder for me to have a proper friend. Some mean girls who would gossip and ruin my reputation. One day when this girl didn't accept me to her group for no reason. Another day when the guy that forgot me bullied me. And more stuff like this and I was forced deep into my bubble afraid of making new friends.

Then I was so scared to make new friends so I decided to be friends with a lonely girl none stayed with. I helped her with homeworks, made her believe in herself and as soon as she started to become confident , made other friends with which she shared more interesting things. Whenever I would try to talk she would ignore and then tell others in front of my face that I rarely talked anything.

A new boy in our class which all girls kinda hated started bullying me, physically, emotionally and kept talking about disgusting things. He kept telling my friend "why do you stay with this girl?" And the worst part? My friend didn't say anything. He put his hands to my throat and I was so scared and I didn't know what to do. The worst part? Other classmates made a circle around and stared including my ffriend who was very close but never decided to do anything. I decided to fight back but it only got worse. Then I ignored and after a long time he stopped. Then another boy bullied me , I decided to ignore again but it never worked. Then everyone started wondering why I stopped talking, why my grades were worse... I didn't even realised but I as soon as I became a teenager I became depressed.Lonely. Awkward. I forgot how to make an interesting chat or how to start it. I started thinking that I was trash. But that hurt so much because I was the best student, creative, I was best at sports, I was perfect. But then...

Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me

Of course bullying affected me but the teachers who kept giving good grades to students who didn't deserve got my hopes down and cut them.

When I got into high school I decided to try again but the teacher decided to change our seats. And the rest is history. Wait , I still tried! But this girl started ignoring me. So I stopped trying to make friends. Nobody bullied me this time, they respected me, I have no idea why. I saw others laughing and then I just wanted to run away. Someone would say something funny and everyone laugh but me.

I hated myself. My looks, my shy personality everything.

Now I don't hate myself but I have issues that will affect me forever . I was the best but some jealous and mean classmates destroyed me . I swear , I tried a lot but every time I tried something happened and I lost trust. Now I hate people just because they do something similar my bullies used to do.

Now let's talk about why I never told my parents or my family about all this. Seeing how my older sibling was facing bullying too and that when they told parents about it , they never did anything , it felt really bad. I was afraid dad would say that it was my fault that I was being so weak. And yep he said that in some occasions. Plus I never shared anything with my parents. My dad would freak out about my dropping grades and would say hurtful things . My dad started changing becoming sarcastic and strated being mean to mom. I hated him in those situations .Sad.This is how I lost hope in my family and my siblings. Oh wait, why did I lost hope in my siblings? Because whenever I would start and tell them they would tell me that is was my fault or would ignore me and continue to play in their phone. Sad.

Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me

This is how I learned to never try to have new friends and enjoy things on my own. But even though this time I didn't try anymore it still hurt. Why? This new girl I met was so worried about me and even got againist some guy who mean to me. She thought I was cute???? I didn't understand. I kept asking myself what does she want from me? I thought that she probably wanted me to help with something and then she would act like she never liked me. But I think I was wrong. She started ignoring me after I wasn't replying or being so friendly and that hurt. I tried to laugh and wonder why people stare at me in a weird way when I laugh? Then I looked myself in the mirror and laughed. My face looked serious and not laughing. Wow I forgot how to laugh properly. Sad.

Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me

Then one day I came across a website that said: bullying has long lasting effects and damages the brain. I found out a lot of things and I found out that it wasn't my fault that I hated everyone and the way I have changed. It was a release to know that I wasn't doing anything wrong , instead my bullies were wrong but sadly I still feel like I was too weak and it was my fault.

I don't know why am I writing this? I know that strangers won't help but I never told anyone about all this and I thought maybe it would help? I tried to write it, talk it to myself. But nothing worked, it just made me cry. Now that we're talking about crying. During these periods I was so sad that I cried a good amount every single day. And too much crying gave me irregular heartbeats and now when I feel even a little sadness my chest feels sooo heavy. Like I can't breathe anymore and I think " Ok that was it I'm going to die now from my heart" .

If you faced bullying then I would recommend you to check out the damages it does to you so you are more informed .

I have decided to take a break from everything but I can't . So I'll just take a break from socializing and maybe in the future I'll try again , which is unlikely to happen. I know that there won't suddenly appear a magical person who wants to become friends with a damaged person like me so I guess I'll be alone all my life.

To the bullies : Thanks , I know you hated this certain person or just thought he was better than you, or just wanted to make him feel bad because someone else made you feel bad . And you know what? You reached your goal and gave this person issues for life: mentally, physically. And you what is the best part? They are probably becoming worse and getting into depression while you become successful in life , more successful than them. It must feel great .

Now the forgiving part. I thought about forgiving my bullies. And I couldn't no matter how much I tried. I swear. I am the most forgiving person from all the people I have known. I would forgive someone a thousand times but when they reach this point there is no turning back. They can do everything , they can change the world, but I will never forgive them and I don't even want to see their face. Their existence is torture for me. When you hear them laughing it's a real torture or just talking. Sad.

Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me

This is a long journey that will end someday. During this period I became suicidal but never thought about killing myself , I just wanted to die but not killing myself. I became then more religious which helped me to be honest a lot. And more good people appeared in my life but sadly no matter what I have become anti-social and it takes a miracle to make me social again. I still feel the pain that is lasting and lasting and I'll never understand why some people even kids can become so mean. End.

Bullying, Mean People, How They Damaged Me
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