Top College Vlogs to Check Out Before the School Year Start


Hello everyone I know its a bit early for this but I just want to get it out the way since Im preparing for my senior year of college soon. Here are the top vlogs I promised you. Enjoy

1. Ana Mascara

Ana Mascara AKA Granny Ana is know for her college vlogs that helps students all over the world. Her most popular videos consist of How to Active Read, Note taking methods, How to Study efficiently and more.

2. Mariana Study Corner

I been following Mariana vlogs since my sophomore year of college. Her vlogs mostly focus on detail note-taking and organization.

3. Crash Course

Crash Course is a very well-known vlog involving John Green. His videos are really helpful in any subject/major in college. His really came in handy for me when I had lazy professors who did not want to teach.

4. Ted-Talk

This is my third time (I think) mentioning ted talk videos on gag. Ted-Talk videos come in handy when you need to right an essay on a certain topic. For example I had to write an essay on prostitution and a ted-talk video was used as one of my examples in my essay.

5. Halidonmusic

Halidonmusic is a classical music station that helps you stay focused when you are studying. Research shows that if you listen to Mozart while studying you are most likely to pass your test. This is known as the Mozart Effect and I will leave the link below in case you don't believe me.

Mozart Effect Study:

And these are all the vlogs I have so far. If you have any that you would like to recommend let me know in the comments below and I will definitely check them out. I will be making a post soon about what to bring/ what not to bring to college soon. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Top College Vlogs to Check Out Before the School Year Start
3 Opinion